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ACE certification got me a job

by John
(Amesbury MA )

ACE personal training certifications require a good amount of energy but can be done while also working another job. It is fulfilling and a great way to make a second salary. I wish I knew that it was going to be strenuous at the beginning; I made the mistake of not practicing often enough to remember many of the steps. The certification helped me get a great job at a local gym where there is plenty of work. It was definitely worth the effort, because it has given me the career that I always wanted. The most helpful tool was not books or anything like that but my teacher Mr. Morse. He helped with everything and always gave me a chance for extra help. I spent 1000 dollars to get certified and it took about 3 months.

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Pregnant Mom wanting to Become ACE certified
by: Marion

I'm currently pregnant, but would like to become a certified personal trainer. Before I became pregnant I was a member in a gym and worked out daily. I'm trying to decide if I should study for the ACE independantly or take an online course, since I can't participate in a seminar.In which I do enjoy hands on. I would wait until after having the baby, but I know I will not have the time and will be unable to concentrate to my fullest potential. I would definitely like to get my certification before having the baby. I'm due June 25th. Also how much is the course?

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