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ACE Exam Experience and Tips

by Matt
(Frisco, TX)

So to give you a little background, I've been weight lifting/bodybuilding around 6 years now and just started personal training this year. I have my ACE and Cooper (which is a joke) certifications and might go for my ACSM cert. Passed both certifications with around 85% for both and studied 3 months for the ACE and just used my knowledge from ACE to pass the Cooper.

I'll tell you right off the bat that the certification to get, if only one, is ACE. They do SO much for you in terms of cec, putting your name out there to get employed, marketing tips, etc. Cooper might be "prestigious" in the Dallas area, but my experience with them was pathetic and unimpressed.

Exam Tips: It has been said before, but ACE probably asked me a total of 5-10 questions pertaining to anatomy, biomechanics and physiology. Concentrate mostly on testing and evaluation, program design and adjustment, CAD risk factors WAS A HUGE part of the test, and for that matter, safety and liability questions definitely were the most prominent area on the exam. Make sure you know your formulas (BMI, deciphering nutrition labels and calories per nutrient, VO2 Max, etc).

And most importantly, use common sense from a safety perspective and REFER TO APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. This will be on a myriad of questions and is the answer 90% of the time. I know that's all the boring stuff to study, but you do what you have to do to pass the exam right?

Sorry for the rant, but if you are debating between which cert to get, ACE is the answer. Most widely known, will learn the most in all aspects of personal training and it will get you a job, whether through a gym or independent. I got certified 2 weeks ago and 3 clients have contacted me through ACE marketing platforms. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask any questions! :)

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Very Well Said
by: Anonymous

I too have just recently attained my ACE certification and the above comment is spot on. Spend most of your time learning about evaluations and the areas mentioned above. I live in Michigan and plan to move to North Carolina to start my personal training career and I visited several gyms in the are and I mentioned I was ACE certified and they were very impressed. The exam was tough but it really does prepare anyone for a career in personal training. Also dont be worried about the practical experience part that ACE recommends, while helpful, if you have been to a gym before and work on your own physique you will have enough practical experience.

by: Healthy One Fitness

The decision to pursue fitness professional certification is an important step in being recognized as a competent practitioner in one's discipline. By becoming ACEĀ® certified, you will be better equipped to empower, motivate, challenge and retain your clients for the long term. In addition, ACE-certified personal trainers are in high demand, which is just one more reason for you to have a positive outlook regarding your future and the continued growth of your health and fitness career.

just a question
by: Anonymous says it requires prior experience. What does that even mean? Does that mean as a personal trainer or as a gym member?

ACE experience and tips
by: Eric

The above comments are all right on! I recently took the ACE exam in Chicago and found it to be rather easy. I did however do about 3 months of studying. I was most worried about the anatomy part, but they were right about 10 questions in total. What you really need to know is everything you can about designing the progams and the implementation of the programs.

And also as for the hands on stuff you can go to the gym and work on that yourself or with your friends and family.

I need help!
by: Anonymous

I want to sign up for ACE.. I have put a few comments on this website already..but I would love some guidance through the process. if anyone is willing to "tutor." I would appreciate it. I am also looking to get the material used, so if anyone is selling it!!!
Thanks so much

just starting the search
by: Laura

I have just started looking into personal training and so far I feel like ACE is a good way to go. Like most have implied, the study packages seem a bit a pricey except the $150. I am with Lulu-interested in used materials & I will pay a fair price- and perhaps just a bit of guidance. Question though-its $250 for a registration voucher? For real?
I just moved to NC in case you happen to be local but not needed of course.
my name is laura

ACE Certified!
by: T. T.

I just passed the ACE CPT exam today utilizing the computer based testing. It was extremely difficult but not impossible. I studied for 3 weeks for about 2 hours a day. I honestly didn't use the book until the last 2 days of studying. I use the questions from this website, flash card machine, and a kindle ebook as I like to have my study material in hand and on the go. I also use the tips provided here to focus my studying. It is true that you must focus on assessments, program design, different screens and testing, not a lot of direct anatomy questions but you need to know them to answer questions on recommended exercises and modifications. Very little calculations were needed but you should know BMI, Nutrition, 1RM. Know the VT1 and VT2 thresholds. I scored 567 out of 800. Not great but 500 is needed to pass. I wish I would have read more of the book, it would have helped out a lot and reduced some of my anxiety before taking the test but I was short on time.

Also I rented my material from a online book store instead of purchasing it and I only spent 47.00 for 2 months and that included delivery.

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