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ACE exam questions

by Sandy

1. Which lever class is typical of most joints of the human body?

2. John is 54 years old and has a RHR of 75 BPM, and his goal is to exercise at 60% of HRR, what is his THR?

3. What is the prime mover in a shoulder extension?

4. What is the sliding filament theory?

5. What are the rotator cuff muscles?

6. What are the PRIMARY movement descriptors, and what plane of movement does each move in?

7. What is the job of the sternocleidomastoid?

8. What is the difference between an open-chain exercise and a closed-chain exercise?

9. What does the muscle spindle do?

10. How does direction of resistance relate to desired motion?

Someone else submitted the questions about as a tip for the ACE exam but didn't give the answers. Does anyone have the answers? I want to make sure I am on the right track. Thanks.

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Some ACE exam answers
by: BillOhio

It is unlikely that these are ACE questions, although they are generic. For example, I'm sure that ACE never mentions "movement descriptors" as such.

1 3rd class lever, where the force is located between the fulcrum (pivot) and the resistance.

2 Max HR = 220 - 54 = 166
[(MHR - RHR)X intensity] + RHR = THR
166-75 = 91 X 60% = 54.6 54.6+ 75= 129.6=THR

3 deltoids, I think

4 where actin and myosin in a muscle fiber collapse over each other causing the muscle to contract

5 infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis

6 flexion,extension,dorsiflexion/plantarflexion in the sagittal plane

adduction, abduction, eversion, inversion, and laterl flexion of spine in the frontal plane

internal/external rotation, pronation, and supination occurr in the transverse plane

circumduction and finger opposition occur in a fourth plane, called the multi-plane, I think.

7 anterior muscles in the neck that act to flex and rotate the head.

8 closed...where the hand (for arm movement) or foot (for leg movement) is fixed and cannot move. The hand/foot remains in constant contact with the surface, usually the ground or the base of a machine (8). These exercises are typically weight bearing exercises, where an exerciser uses their own body weight and/ or external weight.

open...where the hand or foot is free to move. These exercises are typically non-weight bearing, with the movement occurring at the elbow or knee joint. If there is any weight applied it is applied to the distal portion of the limb.

9 prevents the muscle from being hyperstretched

10 it is in the opposite direction

Ace Exam By BillOhio
by: Anonymous

I think the answer to #3 should be Latissimus Dorsi.

ACE questions.
by: Anonymous

If anyone knows any of the answers I would extremely appreciate it. I'm taking the test again this Wednesday. I added some Q and A's to help others as well.

1) What muscles of the rotator cuff should a tennis player train for a beter backhand?


2) What muscle crosses two joints?


3) Client is a female athlete who is skipping breakfast. What would you suggest?


4) Client is doing deadlift. How would you aid his workout?

5) Client is doing squat. How would you maximize his workout?

6) While training a client you see another client doing pull-ups, on an off day. He's not completing the full movement. What do you do?

a) Ignore
b) Tell client to wait till your next session
c) Tell client do do full contraction
d) Tell client to do lat pulldowns if he can't complete a full contraction

7) What muscles are contracted during lowering phase of chin up?

8) What would be worse to train a client in?

a)High heat and humidity
b)High altitude
c)Cold temperature

Don't remember exact details but heat and humidity is correct answer.

9) Larry Fine tells you your other client Moe Howard is very depressed over a recent divorce. How do you handle your next session with Moe?

a) Ignore
b) Express concern with Moe
c) Don't remember
d) Don't remember

by: Anonymous

just took the exam and failed! So bummed! Studied really hard too! These questions were definately on the test. I did not understand what I was supposed to do for the simulation part of the essay and bombed that part. Any advice?

Training Heart Rate- THR
by: kalumjpd

according to the "The Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2001" 220-age" equation underestimates maximum heart rate in older adults hwo are over40..So they suggest Instead of (220-age= HRmax), new equation for HRmax such as 208 - (0.7 x AGE)

1. 208 –(0.7 x 54) = 170.2 (HR Max)

2. 170.2 - 75 = 95.2 (HR Max – Rest HR = HR Reserve)

3. 95.2 x .60(%) = 57.12
(add back Rest HR)

4. 57.12 + 75 = 132.12 bpm

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