ACE exam questions
by Sandy
1. Which lever class is typical of most joints of the human body?
2. John is 54 years old and has a RHR of 75 BPM, and his goal is to exercise at 60% of HRR, what is his THR?
3. What is the prime mover in a shoulder extension?
4. What is the sliding filament theory?
5. What are the rotator cuff muscles?
6. What are the PRIMARY movement descriptors, and what plane of movement does each move in?
7. What is the job of the sternocleidomastoid?
8. What is the difference between an open-chain exercise and a closed-chain exercise?
9. What does the muscle spindle do?
10. How does direction of resistance relate to desired motion?
Someone else submitted the questions about as a tip for the ACE exam but didn't give the answers. Does anyone have the answers? I want to make sure I am on the right track. Thanks.