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ACE Recertification Courses

by Bruce
(Dale City, VA, USA)

My daughter is an ACE certified personal trainer. She is coming up on her recertification. In addition, she is getting divorced and her husband has frozen all their joint assets. While I want to help her, money isn't very fluid right now. Is there any listing of less costly courses on the web or in print that can be taken to fulfill the recertification requirements?

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Test help
by: Durrell


I was just reading through your blog and seen that you live in Dale City as I do. I'm studying for a Fitness Trainer test and just wanted to communicate with someone who has been through it already.

I can also be reached at


Cheaper CEU
by: Anonymous

Hi, sad to hear your daughter is getting a divorce. A CEU place that I go through is DSW Fitness. If you click on ACE and the go button on the first page it will show you the certs you can get. Lifestyle Fitnessing Coaching cost $199 and get her 2.0 CEUS. Good luck.

NOVA Personal Trainers Unite!
by: Kosher Fitness

Hello, fellow Northern VA Trainers! I am in Manassas, and I am currently working out of several gyms within the area. I have two certifications, one through Expert Rating, and one through AAAI-ISMA. Both are not necessarily nationally recognized certifications, but they are cheap ways to get your foot in the door. TO clarify, I have been training on and off since college. I studied broadcast Journalism and English, but have always had an obsession with health, lifting weights and nutrition. If she is doing the re-certification, as rough as it is, I would suggest saving up and taking care of the ACE re-certification. ACE is a good cert to have, it is nationally recognized, and shows a certain amount of knowledge and dedication to ones industry. I am going to be going for a national cert. in February through NVCC, and i will certainly do some postings when I am in and through the class to let everyone know how it goes. Best of luck!

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