ACSM Discounts
by Gale Marchand
(Lonsdale, MN)
This is how: Become a member of ACSM. ACSM members (depending on level) receive discounts on: * ACSM Store items * 20% discount on * Receive ACSM Health & Fitness Journal * Sports Medicine Bulletin * Access to and inclusion in ACSM?s Online Membership Directory * Discounts ACSM Certification exams, ACSM self-test fees, and insurance and consumer products * Discount on registration to the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit. * Discount on submission fee to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® * ACSM InfoSearch a weekly update service that helps members stay up to date with the latest book and journal literature * ACSM membership ID card * ACSM Member Identity Mark for use on print or
For Discounts on their certification manuals and materials go to - usually you can get a 10-15% discount on your first purchase. If you are on their email list you may receive coupons for additional savings including free shipping.
ACSM members are also alerted to CEC webinars that charge 1 fee but give cec's to ALL who attend - so you can pack a room, get a discount on the webinar as a member, split the fee ( or talk your facility into paying the nominal fee and being a superstar for supplying cec's to so many people!).
ACSM can actually be much less than all the info on your site. First become a member of ACSM - for a nominal fee. This gives you discounts on ACSM offerings, including the test and the workshops. Sign up on mailing list for the supplier of their books If you are on their mailing list you will also find that your first purchase with them is usually 10-15% off, and maybe you can hit them on a week when shipping is free ( I did all of this..) For those that want to do ACSM but want to save $ - get the books ( cost less than some ACE packages and significantly less than NASM). Workshop optional depending on if you are already a trainer or not. With ACSM membership first you will find many things become less expensive. The renewal is only $30 every 3 years - both ACE and NASM are 2 yr renewals with $79. While the 3 yr renewal with ACSM is 45 credits, if you are a member and stay on their email list, you will find frequent 1 hour cec webinars that are offered where YOU CAN SPLIT THE FEE for the cec between as many people as you have in the ROOM! So- registering as a member, we heard Dr Wayne Westcott share great info on Strength Training and weight loss - I paid $25 as a member to register, then we split that 4 ways with the attendees for 1 hour cec - if you have a larger crew who can learn over lunch for an hour, you will do better. There is only ONE fee and cec's to whoever shows up and handout to all that show up. Seminar is webinar with powerpoint presentation. I would say that is the way to do cheep cec's! Additionally, if you are a member of ACSM you receive Certified News as well as ACSM journal - both of which have cec articles you can send in for cec's as well. SO, really it is 15 cec's per year they request - and who wouldnt want to be on that steady track of learning no matter what cert they have??