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ACSM exam tips

by Julie Ann
(St. Louis)

Make sure you know what the joint is doing and in what plane the movement is in for the ACSM exam. Example: lumbar flexion - plane of motion is Sagital. Axis of motion Coronal.

Know what plane you're in during a bicep curl and what your joint is doing.

Be able to calculate BMI - WHR - Ideal Body Weight-Target heart rate
BMI = weight (kg)/height(m squared)
WHR = waist circumference (in)/Hip circumference (in)
Ideal Body weight = lean body mass/1.00(desired % Body fat/100)
THR = 220 - age - Resting heart rate times % + resting heart rate

Know all the risk factors!!! Study the charts especially in chapter 14 of the text!! ACSM gives you a few case examples you must say how many risks they have. And then the next question asks what are the name of the risks. And then the next question asks what category they are in.

Know what to do when its hot or humid out = lower intensity and duration - drink extra water

Know the order of which you do things = resting measurements, body comp, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility

Know sit and reach number one test for flexibility

Know that vitamin A D K E are fat soluble

Know what percent of what carbs are proteins are etc. from the food pyramid

Know what too much protein does to your system over a prolonged period of time

You are on your way to passing the ACSM exam.

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Great tips for the ACSM exam
by: Katie - Admin

The ACSM exam is definitely a challenge even when you study all the right material. Thanks for the great tips Julie Ann!

- Katie

Good Advice
by: Anonymous

I just took the ACSM exam last week and couldn't agree more with Julie's recommendations. I found the ACSM workshop to be extremely helpful more than anything and would recommend taking that. The test is hard, but I passed it my first time around.

Why is ACSM certification rated only med - high
by: Anonymous

Was wondering why the ACSM certification , on the comparison charts , are only rated a med - high acceptability , since they are so in-depth and thorough ?

ACSM is rated high
by: Anonymous

ACSM is rated high on their comparison table. With so many certs, I think you just got your columns crossed as you were scrolling down. ACSM is very highly regarded by the industry.

by: Tara

Do we need to do metric conversion or are the relevant questions in inches/pounds?

Are there questions on the bones as well as muscles?

It's ALL relative
by: Anonymous

I'm curious to know who would actually need to study for longer than a week to pass this or any other exam, if you live the lifestyle than you should know 95% of this stuff already. I have corrected kinesiology professors on stuff they have taught in class. Remember this is sci-losophy, That is Science plus philosophy. What is true today may not be so tomorrow and don't even get me started on their "nutrition", because they are a little behind the new science. If you can't pass this exam easily than you are most likely not going to be a great trainer, because you obviously don't study this stuff for fun. You just want to make money.

Am I ready? Im confused.
by: Anonymous

I am in the military as a Naval Hospital Corpsman. To sum it up, we have quite a diverse amount of knowledge in medicine, A&P, nursing, emergency care, nutrition, and the list goes on.

I have been forewarned about this test and I DO NOT want to underestimate it. At the same time though, I have been studying pretty thoroughly lately and find my self getting bored with the material because I have been in the field of working with the human body for about 4 years know and a lot of it is just repeat.

I have taken the consideration in memorizing all the equations such as MHR, FET's, BMI, planes of the body, and etc, but I just feel like I could walk in and take the test and score decently off of what I already know.

Am I still underestimating the test? So far I have been scoring %85 - 100 on most of the practice tests and yet for some reason I still feel intimidated. Does anyone have any other advice?

Thank You!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the information.

Thanks for all the tips!
by: Joy

Great tips!!! Which books did you use to study? Just the main book or did you get all of them?

Thank you!!

tricky questions
by: Scott

I just took and passed the exam. If you pick out the pertinant information in the questions and don't read into it, you should do fine.They try and mess with your brain.Don't second guess yourself. Its real easy to do on this exam. Lots of questions about risk factors and know the ins and outs of cholesterol.There were several questions about it. Also about testing procedures. Sit and reach, and push-ups.Know your spine regions. And of course, there are a few questions that are not in any material you study and you can only take a wild stab at it. Good luck, its not that bad.......

by: Anonymous

I am studying for my acsm cpt exam. Im having a problem understanding concepts of metabolic calulations, which is one of the chapters in the review text. Ive taken practice tests, looked at the kind of sections the test goes over, and looked at recomendations for studying prior to testing, none of these things involving metabolic calculations, is it necessary to understand these concepts (not necessarily for being as effective as possible as a personal trainer) but for improving my score on the certification exam, or can i quit tearing my hair out over it?

This is the best set of tips
by: Chris

Just took the test today(7-8-9). Thank you so much. I had looked over some of these formulas and facts, but I read this memorized them. There is a surprising number of questions that are covered by these or exact word for word. Mad props Julie you saved me from having to take this test a second time.

by: Anonymous

I just read somewhere that there is a practical for the CPT exam. Is that true?

by: Anonymous

Do I need to know the metabolic equations for gross VO2 in Metric Units for stuff like running, jogging, etc? These seem quite hard to memorize and seem like something I wouldn't need to know offhand as CPT. I glanced at the KSAs and they didn't mention them.

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