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ACSM vs. ACE. Need advice, thank you!

by Wendy

I have a degree in Adult Fitness & Exercise Science, most of the material in that program was through ACSM. I originally bought the study materials for the ACE test b/c it was the cheapest but they raised the price A LOT! From $250 to $400!! I've heard awful things about the ACE test & how ridiculously hard it is & more people on this site have passed the ACSM test. I am getting the feeling that ACE isn't really in it to prepared trainers to help others with their fitness, it's all about the $ and they want people to fail the test so they will keep paying to take it over and over.I am not in a place to spend lots of money on more study materials and I still have all of my ACSM textbooks from college (I graduated in 2010). I am looking for advice on whether or not I should take the ACE test because I have the materials and have been studying them or if the ACSM test is a better choice. This website is awesome and everyone's input really helps!!

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by: Mike H

Wendy I think without a doubt, ACSM is the much better choice. It sounds like you already will have a head start with your degree. I think ACE fell off a long time ago, and now they are trying to get back in the game. I am certified with NASM, and I will not be satisfied until I am also certified with ACSM. Good luck!

ACSM or ACE - Need Yout Advice
by: Dr. AAA

As a frequently retained expert witness in injury and death cases, I have taken over thirty certification exams (to include almost all accredited personal trainer certifications) in order to speak knowledgeably about them in court. The only two truly non-profit professional associations with credible standards are ACSM and the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA). Having spent twenty years working with psychometricians, professional exam developers, it is my opinion that all the other certifications pale in comparison due to their lack of depth in challenging a candidate's knowledge base.

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