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ACTION Certification is great for anyone

by Sarah
(North Carolina)

I think ACTION Certification is the best way to start. Before starting ACTION , I took the ACE exam preview course and paid $200 plus gas, tolls & parking. I did learn some, but many of the subjects were gone over very quickly.

Then I decided to do the Pro Plan, for I believe $65. I had their informative book sent to me at no extra cost and their extensive webpage. I learned more from their videos and if I did not remember something I could watch the video again at no cost. I took countless free practice exams and if I had a question I could email it to them and receive an answer.

I am someone who freezes when I take tests and the thought of driving over 200 miles to take ACE's pencil or computer test and pay over $200 scared me. ACTION 's test is free.....but you better study and know the book.

I had a friend go to a weekend workshop $$$ for her ISSA and my background from ACTION is better. I spend countless hours on their free videos, notecards, practice tests and book. I feared memorizing the math formulas for various things for the ACE when the average personal trainer would have a chart or do the math with a calculator. They even have videos on how to use more modern equipment like BOSU and TRX.

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