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Advice for Starting my own Gym

by Chad

I am certified through NASM and looking at starting my own gym. Do you have type of business advice or business models that can be utilized for a gym setting, etc.. pay structuring, benefits... Any help you could provide me would be great.

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Step 4 of our Guide is a good start
by: Katie - Admin

Step 4 of our site is designed to help people like you to start your own business. While most trainers usually start off training clients privately using other peoples facilities, you can jump straight to opening your own gym.

Opening a gym business is more complex and can be very risky. You are going to want to make sure that you have at least 50 clients that would become members of your gym. Otherwise you need plenty of cash reserves to get you through the ramp up period. Make sure you have a solid personal trainer business plan.


Help On Starting YOur Gym


We specialize in helping people open a new gym by providing greatly discounted prices on new fitness equipment, (cardio and strength machines). You will want to run demographic studies, (if you haven;t already done so), to determine who and where your client base is.

You can start a personal training studio without spending a great deal of money, but you should have an idea of a budget in mind. Leasing your equipment and flooring is also an option.

You also don't need a lot of space at the outset. Again, we can help you with all of this and we do not charge you for anything for our help.

You can email me at or call me at (412) 318-4330 if you would like to see what we may be able to do for you to get started.

Go for it
by: Southgate Fitness

I am in the process of opening my first gym as I type this. We are due to open Nov 09. Check out our web site and you can ask me any questions you have. If I can help I will. Best of luck.


Advice for Starting your own Gym
by: Bellini Global

Hi Chad,

You have a few considerations to make at the outset. The type of training that you'll be using is an important consideration for location, demographics, rates and rate structure and type of equipment needed.

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