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Best certification to go on to nutrition/wellness coach?

by Mandy

I am overwhelmed looking for the best platform to give me an extensive personal training background and to also prepare me for the next steps of becoming a lifestyle coach who will aid in weight management, nutrition and motivation. I think I have narrowed it down to ACE, AFPA, ISSA, and NFPT. Does anyone have any insight on any of these programs that has found a job with the extended nutrition aspect?

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by: Anonymous

Hi, I have read a lot of great things about Integrative Nutrition Institute and Precision Nutrition. Precision Nutrition author also wrote the ISSA Nutrition. You also do not need to renew it. A cheaper one but you do need to renew it is Venice Nutrition and you can teach nutrition legally. A very very basic one is by Spencer Institute but you'll need to learn A LOT on your own is Wellness certification. I want to get the first 2 since I already have the other 2. Good luck.

by: Anonymous

NCSF just launched a new nutrition certification program so you should go to their website and maybe check them out. Also, I was enrolled at IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and I don't think that they are worth over $6000, if you choose the payment plan. They don't have homework just a lot of reading and lectures. They base their learning on getting you to start a health coaching business and they give you a website and later business cards and brochures. The book is available on iTunes for $12.99, and that's the best bet. Please don't go to IIN, it's a rip off.

nutrition certification
by: Dianne Della Ratta

I am a Personal Trainer. I am thinking of taking
the Venice nutrition certification. Has anyone
taken this certification?

I am in Intergrative Nutrition
by: Anonymous

I posted the first comment. I am in IiN and if you do decide join their mailing list. They sent me an email so I was able to only pay $5250 and that's with $1000 off from their email and payment plan. I love everything I am learning. Robert Notter teaches the business side and he charges for his business shops, you get to go to a conference learning from David Wolf and other top doctors from around the country, you get a website, free second year and your very own health coach. I think it's worth the money and you also can get college credit. You don't have to do continuing CEUS. Now if you do it, do the Spencer Institute Wellness and start working and use the IIN as a write off since your a wellness coach. You also learn over 100 different dietary theory's. I feel it gives you a lot of bang for your dollar.

IIN Graduate
by: Anonymous

Good training but not worth the cost.

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