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Can ACTION certification prepare your for ACE exam?

by Chris Keefe
(Okinawa Japan)

Can ACTION certification prepare your for ACE exam?

NOT trying to be cheap. I ask this because the course is offered so cheap and the reviews give it a thumbs up. Then there is the theory that the second test you take is much easier than your first. Im guess im asking is it possible to do this hybrid-like program where you learn from ACT materials and certify and use that knowledge to pass the ACE exam. Then you would hold 2 certifications (one NCCA accredited and one not yet rated)? From there this should be an invested career and advanced courses and workshops would be a must IMO.

Background on me: Separating from the US Marines after 4 faithful years of service. Love physical training and leading people to better themselves. Its what ive matured on the last 4 years.

Thank you in advance for any insight. If none is given ill give it a try and write a review in about 6 months to let you know how it worked for me.

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That should work
by: Mindy

HI Chris,

I am ACE certified and was a beta tester last fall for ACT (now ACTION). I noticed a strong similarity between the programs. If you look at the table of contents of the textbook you will see it covers all the pillars of the ACE exam. So it should be helpful to take ACTION first.

But that being said, I would suggest you review the ACE materials before you take their exam. Just by reading the main points and review questions I would think you will raise your score by a few points.

As far as education goes, I enjoyed the ACTION online classes. I wish this option was available when I first learned all this material. It is much better than just studying a textbook until your vision blurs.


by: Chris Keefe

Thank you Mindy for the advice. Im new to the scene so i was just trying to take the most "right to the point" approach without wasting time or money. I was just skimming through the textbook as i was printing it out so i can take it everywhere with me and the content looks amazing. I will take your advice on getting the ACE study materials and do lots of studying and note taking. The more i look into this profession it just seems the more rewarding it is both for yourself and others. =)

Chapter 1
by: Chris Keefe

Well here is update #1 on my journey to certification..

today is may 20th and im stuck behind a computer at "work" so i decided to actually sit down and start the ACTION course. When you start, ACTION offers you a study plan worksheet to where you can realistically lay out what you think you can accomplish in a certain time frame throughout the entire course. Theres also downloadable flash cards and unlimited practice test taking with different questions everytime. Cant wait to utilize those! Hopefully i can transfer the flash cards to the iPHONE.. But most of all is the curriculum. I havent even opened up the text book yet, I took a prerecorded online class from the beta testers for part 1 of chapter 1 and its easily consummable knowledge in my opinion. You can pause as you go for notetaking and what i did was write down everything presented in the class in a notebook the first time through then went back and actually just sat back as if i was taking the class.. The trainers tips and curriculum poles throughout the class to make sure everyones on track is a nice touch as well. Im going to finish part 2 in the AM with the same manner as part 1 then dive into reading the actual first chapter of the textbook. I think that approach works better for someone like me because this way ill have an idea of what the books talkng about while i'm reading it instead of being confused on what things are.

REMINDER OF GOAL: To become ACTION certified and use for preperation for ACE certification.

How is/did your plan go for you?
by: Mike

Hey Chris,

I was just floating around on this site when I found your post. I'm actually taking my ACE test on Saturday (10/2). I came across the ACTION cert today and thought that it might be beneficial to take a stab at the ACTION exam prior to my ACE exam. How did that work out for you?

Do you think this training is worthwhile for a Senior to do Senior fitness groups?
by: Mariann

I'm finding all your comments helpful. I am an active senior, and hoping to lead Senior fitness groups as a part time job and mission in life! Had years of dance classes and now go to a gym. I recently had to stop bellydance after 8 years of classes and being in a troupe. I can't do some full on cardio type exercise classes due to a foot problem. Am also planning to do Silver Sneakers intstructor training workshops starting in Spring in my area. Do you think this online certification would be helpful and/or useful for me?

Are flash cards and other materials mailed
by: Dave

I read on the ACTION website that with the package you can download 300 page material and so forth. Can materials be mailed as well if requested if lets say, someone is out of town for a while and does not have access to a computer.

This definitely seems like a program worth looking into. Also, if someone plans to study about 1-2 hours a day anywhere from 3-5 days a week, about how long do you think it can take before one is ready to take the test? Any info. will be appreciated.

Copy of book
by: Anonymous

ACTION will mail you a printed copy of the 300 page book. for a price of 29.95. Hope that is helpful.

ACTION is worth it
by: Jeffrey Boateng

I actually had a job as a personal trainer in a small independent gym before I got this certification. Studying for the ACTION test greatly improved my skills and gave me more confidence. I really learned a lot from the online webinars and the textbook. I would recommend this cert to anyone wanting to start their own personal training business. If you want a corporate job I would take this one first then ACE.

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