Clients who roll their eyes, challenge, or question techniqes
by sarah j
It is so annoying to me when a client will come in with an article, or friend's advice, or what their "secretary's son's coach" said & ask me "well, what about this?"... are you kidding me? NO. I will not research the "master cleanse" diet for you, or encourage speed pills, & no, you will not be thin like your ectomorph friend just by walking because you "dont think you should have to work this hard"
I had a client once tell me she didnt think I was being "fair" to say that she had to workout more than twice/week to lose weight. as if I made up the rules of her genetics, age, or the science of weightloss... no, lady. I cant re-write science for you. all I can do is convey the information I know you need to make it WORK.