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CPTN certification


CPTN Personal Trainer Certification

CPTN Personal Trainer Certification

How good is the CPTN-CPT certification? I think it's best in Canada at the moment. It's got a 75% pass score, its low cost and low re-test fees, both theoretical and practical tests. It requires 7 CECs for 1 year and 14 CECs for 2 year certification renewal. Their annual Conferences are quite interesting with large groups of Personal Trainers attending.

Anybody familiar with CPTN certification?

Comments for CPTN certification

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by: Anonymous

In reality, all certifications are the same. Each certification goes over the same exact thing. A certification will not make you a good successful trainer. That comes from within

CPTN certification is great
by: Jennifer

The CPTN is great. I've been a Member for over 10 Years and still going strong. I have attended almost all Conferences and mised 1 due to illness, a shame. Their certification comprises of a theoretical and a practical component and the material well planned out.

High Level Testing
by: Rose

Their examination is quite comprehensive, I failed it once just under 75% mark and took it again. Then there is a practical that is scheduled for a later date. It's a certification well earned and I renew during their Conferences. Your certification has to be renewed based on new courses taken as continuing education or distance education and earn credits based on the number of hours in class. It's worth it as all of their lecturers are high level authors and professors from various colleges and universities and are no joke.

CPTN Personal Trainer
by: Michelle

All GoodLife fitness clubs require CanFitPro certification. Extreme Fitness accepts all, but are partnered with CPTN. I think the certification exclusiveness is becoming ridiculous. However, I find that CPTN is great overall. I had applied to a Fitness Studio and was required to get certified, and I tried the CPTN. I failed the exam once, couldn't believe it had a 75% passing mark. I could not rewrite the exam right after but I had help at 2:00 AM LOL! to rewrite it which was strange, I thank them for that. I have renewed with them twice now. Their Conferences are not as big as CanFitPro marketed but does get some high profile people interested and some top researchers, I think smaller more exclusive is better. I do get tired of learning of ridiculous exercises but there's a point to some of their research in the field. I'm thinking of Yoga, but I somehow don't bend like that.

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