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DETC Accreditation

by Joe

Why does NASM have so many gyms in it's pocket? ISSA right now, is the only fitness organization that has an accreditation recognized by the department of education, DETC. They are a .edu for Gods sakes. NCCA that NASM has and others does not accredit the course content! They say it right here:

This industry is nuts. ISSA has some of the best minds in the industry. Who compares in terms of their real athletic experience and academic background? I'm so sick of gyms telling me that ISSA is fine but we rather you have NASM or some other certification.

Could you imagine in any other industry where education from unaccredited organizations is preferred to accredited ones? In terms of what people think of when the see the word "accreditation" and it terms of 3rd party peer review of course content and review of the organization, NASM and the rest ARE unaccredited!

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NASM Is Highly Recommended Because...
by: Abby Campbell

NASM is highly recommended because they require a college education behind the most of their certifications within the healthy field. They actually have a certification for non-college degreed folks, but maybe the gyms that are recommending the NASM certifications are wanting those with degrees. That is the only reason why I would think they would prefer NASM over any other certification.

I agree with your post on choosing NCCA certifications over DETC certifications. However, ISSA is getting more and more recognition. When you interview, you need to make a case for ISSA just like you did here. If enough people did this, then maybe they would stop being so ignorant. :)

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