How to Choose a Personal Trainer school with the correct certifications
by Carter Rickey
I am looking for a personal training school that offers a certification that is recognized in the industry as professional. Can you tell me which certification is good to have?
NCCA accreditation
by J.R.Smith
(Somerset, Kentucky)
I find it sad that you are promoting only NCCA accredited certifications when the NCCA / NOCA is not recognized by the United States Dept. of Education, which I believe should be of major concern to everyone.
CHEA, the Counsel of Higher Education Accreditation is recognized by the US Dept. of Education and IHRSA also recognizes CHEA as an valuable accreditation as well.
The fitness industry will continue to be fragmented as long as organizations such as yours promotes only one side of this issue. We will never reach a balanced and unified industry as long as there are those whose only motive it political.
We must place value on education but not just education but credible education and including CHEA accredited certifications you can assure this is the case.
I realize that this note is probably not going to influenc your decision to look all the accreditations that are avaiable, which really boils down to two. But I can assure you that in Kentucky the Kentucky Association of Fitness Professionals is working hard at the legislative levels to ensure that NCCA/NCOA is not the only accredited process that will be recognized. In fact we are working hard to create minimuim standard requirements and if a fitness professional is ostracized from applying for a job because he or she does not posess an NCCA accredited certification there will be legal ramifications involved.
It is time to open the eyes of everyone that truly wants a fair and balanced, professional fitness industry that operates with integrity.
President Kentucky Association of Fitness Professionals
Importance of NCCA Accreditation
Why is NCCA considered so "respected". What makes NCCA such an important accreditation to have. Many of the Personal Trainer Certification Programs on your list were not NCCA accredited until recently.
What makes NCCA so special in accreditation for the health and fitness field? Don't they accredited everyone under the sun: Dog Whispers Certification to Saxaphone Polishing Certifications. Honestly, sounds more like a FOR-PROFIT business then an academic, integrity driven accreditation.