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Do you have your clients sign a commitment contract?

by Pamela Fortner
(Decatur, IL USA)

Do you have your clients sign a "letter of intent" or some kind of contract. I recently started a personal training business, I have 5 clients, but should I have them sign a contract stating how long they intend on retaining my services? I am not sure how to handle this.

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Training Contracts
by: Joe Bartovic

You MUST! have contracts with your clients. Reason 1: Only you the trainer know how much of your professional assistance your client needs. You're the expert, your client expects you to know how long they need you to get to thier goal.

Reason 2: It will help you to know how much $ you can expect to come in.

Reason 3: Clients need to be bound by a commitment, otherwise they will drop out at the same rate they do in gyms ( after about 4 - 6 weeks ). Best to commit new clients to an 90 day program, be sure to deliver results in that time and they are sure to re-sign for a longer term after that. Nobody ever quits what works.

Best Health,
Joe Bartovic
Fit 4 U Personal Training
Middletown , CT

by: Ken Karnack

I would. You will find that you need commitment from these new clients and all clients.

without commitment, you will lose clients or not re-sign them. It is the lifeblood of your business, get em in and keep em, and get the referral...

Ken Karnack

Importance of Committment Letter
by: MaryAnn Molloy

I have them sign 2 committment letters. The first one is the personal committment from me to provide them the tools and them agreeing to follow the progam and give it their best. I always tell them my success is based on their success and a written committment is just one more way to help accomplish that.

The 2nd committment (done after the above) is the business transaction stating how many sessions, the day and time they will take place the amount due (all business and formal) and most importantly your policies regarding cancellation and rescheduling on both of your parts).

Good luck...5 clients is a great start!

MaryAnn Molloy

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