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Feedback on Gold's Gym Pay


i was just curious what other peolpes take on what my pay is because i am pretty sure it is fairly bad. i am just beginning in this business so this is my first job. i work at a golds gym where they charge $50 a session and i recieve 8% commission on sales and get $13 dollars an hour.

so if anyone could give me their opinions that would be great

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Gold's is a Corporation!
by: Anonymous

For starting out that is a pretty good wage. But you have to consider the fact that 13 dollars an hour is only for training your client. The Gold's I worked at paid minimum wage for your client building hours, which you were required to have so many of a month. You also have to remember that when you are doing client paperwork at Gold's you are not getting paid for that, since you aren't training or client building. In my experience with Gold's, I ended up working many more hours than I was getting paid for.

by: Anonymous

Im a pt director at golds and we pay between 35-55% commission based on number of clients trainer per week and experience/certs/degree's etc.

Most gyms pay 45%

Gold's Pay
by: Anonymous

That sounds like it evens out like 24-Hour Fitness comp. I get $8/hr plus 17% on sales. I don't know how any married person can support a family training. I should have started this when I was single.

Trainer Pay
by: Anonymous

I work at 24HF and made just over $73k last year. I'm on track to make that or more this year so far. I get the highest pay possible with incentives, experience, education, etc. I have a friend that works at a Gold's Gym that makes similar $. If you are good at what you do, have a great fitness manager that supports you and teaches you, you can make a good living at a corporate gym as a personal trainer. It's not easy but not a whole lot in life is.

Their G1-G4 is a Scam "Gold's Gym Letdown"
by: Anonymous

I was offered a job at a Gold's Gym in St. Louis and I have a college degree in exercise science as well as my certifications with the NSCA-CSCS and my ACSM as a Health and Fitness Specialist. Both of which you have to have a minimum of a Bachelors to even test for. They told me I would only start out as a G2. When I asked what makes the difference and how would I get to a G4 so I could make 50% of whatever I charged for clients he couldn't give a good reason. The only trainer they had there as a G4 was the Director who was interviewing me and he had two others as G3's which had worked there over 3 years and neither of them had a college degree. It all comes down to politics not what you are actually capable of as a trainer.

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