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Fitness International Institute Florida

I am considering a career in personal training. I came across an interesting program in Florida called Fitness International Institute. The program director helped design the NSCA-CPT. It is a comprehensive program with courses in exercise physiology, fitness testing, strength and conditioning, functional training, nutrition and special populations/rehabilitation.

The individual courses are offered at different times of the year. Please let me know if you are familiar with the program. Thanks for such an informative website.

Comments for Fitness International Institute Florida

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Excellent Program !
by: Dotty Molt

I took this course over ten years ago, back when Dr. Abbott only offered three parts to the course. Fitness Trainer, Muscle Strength and Conditioning, and Exercise Prescription. The courses were well paced and easy to follow. Dr. Abbott is an excellent instructor. My career path changed after I finished the courses, and when I went back into Personal Training last year, I studied my course material from Dr. Abbott, along with the ACE personal trainer Book, and passed the ACE certification with flying colors. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in pursuing a career in Personal Training.

Fitness International Institute of Florida
by: Anonymous

How do I get more information on this school? I can not seem to even find what city it is located or contact information. I do find this school a possibility. Thanks

Boca Raton, Florida
by: Anonymous

Ever heard of Google?

Fitness Institute International, Inc.

Excellent School
by: DeeGee

My husband and I attend this school. It may have been tough for the second poster to find because it is called Fitness Institute International and the title of this catagory has the words reversed.
I personally couldn't think of getting educated in any other way. The first poster had mentioned 3 classes. There are now 6 in total...60 hours per class, 2 days a week, 3 hours per session. The classes are Exercise Science Foundations (the prerequisite for the other classes unless you already hold a Bachelors and/or Masters in Exercise), Fitness Testing, Strength and Conditioning, Functional Training, Nutrition and Weight Management and Special Populations. They hold an AHA accredited CPR class with the use of an AED 8 hour course while in the Foundations class.

Dr. Abbott has spent the last 30 years teaching people not only how to become trainers, but to do it with the proper education, ethical and moral standards, legal info, hands on learning in gyms and all types of fitness testing measures, etc. Simply put, he is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about anything relatd to this career choice.

Once completed, students will receive the CPTS certification from his establishment. His CPTS credential, which is a registered trademark is known as "the most legally defensible certification." We're also prepared for the NSCA and ACSM exams.
Once you pay for the can take them forever!. He has students from 20+ years ago that occassionally come in for a refresher course when they feel the need for it.

I could write so much more..but I would highly recommend checking it out for yourself. You can google Dr. Anthony Abbott and get some info on his credibility in the industry...which is massive.

For us, it was important to have a real instructor in front to ask questions of, get the hands on experience and interact with other students.

Incidentally, Dr. Abbott's wife, Jane, often handles student relations and she is a real hoot! Awesome lady. The two of them add a sense of humor, heart and humanity to the classes.

If you're in Florida, especially south Fl, I would check this out. They allow you to sit in on a few classes before making your decision.
This place has been a miracle for us. The work is hard, but so worth it!

A must for any legitimate Personal Trainer
by: Globetrekker

I took the courses at this school many years ago when I lived in Florida..
The school consisted of 4 Course which were all well developed.
Dr Abbott(owner and instructor) is involved with the NSCA/ACSM..
I strongly recommend this school...Once completed your knowledge base in my opinion will be almost on the level of a 4+ year degree in Exercise Science..You can then sit for the 2 most credible fitness credentials in the Industry..NSCA-CPT/ACSM..

Personal training course abroad?
by: Daisy

Does the institute accept students fromt the United Kingdom? I am looking to advance from L2 fitness instructor to a personal trainer but would love to have the experience of living and working in another country. Florida would be ideal as it is somewhere I have visited over 5 times and well, it's gorgeous! If anybody has any relevant info i'd love to hear it.

Anyone is welcome at this school
by: DeeGee


I can attest to the fact that you would be more than welcome at this school. They accept people looking to advance their education and become the best in the fitness industry.
Not only that, but they're amazing at allowing people to sit in on a class or two just to try it out. The president of this school and his wife are two of the most amazing, honest, helpful, well-educated and patient people I've ever met. Dr. Abbott is a fellow of both the NSCA and ACSM and had written a chapter in the NSCA Essentials of Personal Training book. His credentials are numerous.

Go to and their info will be there. I don't work for the school and I'm not getting any compensation of any kind for promoting them, however, my husband and I had such a pleasant experience with this institution that I felt compelled to encourage anyone in the area to give them some attention.

Good luck!

The Finest Fitness Education
by: Hank Miller

I am semi retired after 24 years as a Fitness Trainer. I attended Fitness Institute in 2000-2001 when I was 46 years old and I subsequently earned my CPTS. The education was extensive and Dr. Abbott is an amazingly, knowledgeable instructor who provides you with a college level education in exercise science.

After completing the program I went full time into the profession with both confidence and knowledge. I have held certifications from both NSCA and ACSM through the years. I have been fitness director and staff at high end country clubs and for many years worked in my own private studio.
There has never been a day in my career when I haven’t utilized the knowledge gained from this education. I totally credit my success as a professional to Dr. Abbott and urge anyone wanting a superior education with the tools to succeed as a fitness pro to attend Fitness Institute International.
Hank Miller

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