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Gold's Gym Personal Trainer

I worked in the uptown Dallas Gold's Gym as a personal trainer. My job was pretty cool, until my new manager came in. The pay and benefits were good but I just didn't feel comfortable working their anymore because my manager was a jerk.

I wouldn't recommend working at Gold's Gym but that is probably based upon my experience with this individual person rather than the company. You should talk to the other personal trainers at the gym before going for the job to make sure that the management is good.

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Need info
by: Anonymous

I just got certified, and am thinking about getting on at the local golds gym. has anyone ever worked at this joint? what is the hourly wage(I know it varies from state to state what was your state and what was the wage) or is it just strickly commission? What is the deal?

Golds Gym
by: Anonymous

I work at Gold's Gym for almost three months and made $500... It was a joke. They take too much out of your commission and have no hourly wage and you will be on your own competing with other highly skilled trainers that will screw you over.

personal trainers
by: Anonymous

I knew someone who worked as a personal trainer for Gold's...they are truly unfair with the way they pay them! They kept more then half of their commission and they also had to get off the clock when doing a personal training session. Talk about treating you employees unfairly, especially when they are the ones doing the work. Happy to report that that person has moved on to a bigger and better place.

golds gym worst place to work
by: Anonymous

golds gym sucks beyond all belief no hourly wage no benefits all commission worst place to work.

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