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Great cert!

by John

The ACTION test was tough but well made. There were a few trick questions but honestly only having to get a 70 shouldn't be too hard for anyone that studies. Overall my experience with the customer service aspect was very good. The responses I got were very quick. This is a good cert and I will be keeping there textbook as a reference for a long time. I also have the ACE textbook and honestly I think the ACTION one is much more organized.


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Response to great cert
by: Anonymous

The exam was way too easy, I passed without looking at the material what so ever. That said, it looks like a great place to start out if you are self motivated, the only drawback is the lack of practical testing. As far as NCCA accreditation, if they were to be accepted under the current format it would abate the credibility of other certs with the same accreditation.

Easy is a relative term
by: Anonymous

ACTION is my third certification so I have a bit of perspective on these exams. My first cert was NASM and it felt like the hardest because you have to learn the material and study your ass off.

But once you know your stuff you can walk in and take just about anybody's exam with very little prep and it will seem easy in comparison. In fact, that is what I did with the ACE exam so I can move up the paygrade at my gym. I didn't even buy their book... just did the ACE "exam only" option and passed with room to spare.

If ACTION (or NASM or ACE or ...) is your first cert, the exam is going to seem hard. If it is your second cert, then it will seem much easier.

my 0.02

RE: Easy is a relative term
by: Mandrake

I agree that easy is a relative term and that ensuing tests will be much easier; however, in my case, Action was the first test I took and scored well enough to pass. That said, I still believe that the material covered in the exam is good, don't know if it's on par with the other certs though. It's a great cert to get your feet wet and the price is unbeatable! The DF is a little slow and I have noticed that answers are not offered all that quickly, sometimes for days.

I would recommend ACTION as a starting ground over other certs such as; ASFA, expertrating, and IFA, to name a few. (I passed both the IFA PT and Nutrition certs without opening their book)

What it boils down to is; study hard, know your stuff, relate proper info, and provide a safe & enjoyable environment to your clients.

ACTION exam is not easy
by: Anonymous

I just took the ACTION test and it is a legitimately rigorous CPT test even with it being an online/open book. I am a previously certified ACE trainer looking to get back in the field even if just part time. I was surprised at how hard the test was. Granted, I took the ACE in 2004 before it was updated in 2007 but I thought that test was easier for me because it focused primarily on exercise prescription, the practical part of personal training, which is my strength.

I also took the NSCA in 2003 which I did not pass since it focused so strongly on science. This test was practical but very well balanced in biometrics, physiology, business, assessment and other portions of personal training.

With all that said, my evaluation is subjective. Each test changes because they circulate questions. One test might be easier simply because of the quality of questions each person gets. I might have just gotten the type of questions that threw me for a loop. Granted, I passed, but it was closer than I would have previously thought being that I have been preparing for a few weeks to take the AFAA by studying the AFAA, ACE and ACSM books.

I think this cert is going to become very well known and accepted. The company has a novel marketing idea, "Become the biggest certifying organization focusing on education more than certification." Why would a personal trainer not add this certification at a minimum to a more well known certification being that it is free and quality?

Here is a tip for the test. There is plenty of time, have your calculator and book out as a resource. I think if a person has a strong base and knows the book well (where things are at)it will help. Also, it might be good to know you can't go back after you have answered a question. Therefore, take your time and make the best choice. Time management is key for this test since unlike other exams you cannot go back after making your first choice.

Will you be able to get a job with this certification? There is a proverb that says "A man's gift makes room for him." If you have the skills, experience and personality I am sure someone will hire you, even if they still want you to eventually add a higher cert.

May God speed all your exercise endeavors!

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