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How specific is the ACE Exam?

by Ashley
(Blacksburg, VA)

I began studying for my ACE personal training exam a few weeks. I already have a degree in Exercise and Nutrition, however I was wondering how specific the ACE exam is. I am very detail oriented so I have been typing out outlines of each chapter, drawing pictures, etc. This is very time consuming and I would like to know if there was a better estimate as to how detailed the test would be? I plan on taking the test in late Nov or early Dec and want to be well prepared. Thank you!

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by: Julie

I just took mine today and PASSED! Yeah! There are a lot of questions regarding program design and program progression. There are 150 mc questions and then 2 written stimulation questions. You need to know your formulas and your beta blockers, etc.

Is this the entire format?
by: Anonymous

So, are there only 150 multiple choice questions and the 2 scenario questions...and that's it? Or are there a few other kinds of questions, but of less notable amounts? Can you list the key subjects or aspects that need to understood for a better chance of success.
I have much background and have been asked to train many people, so I want to make my abilities legit, but I am aware that ACE may have various views or their own chosen methods. I want to ensure I do not waste study time, studying specifically for what ACE expects and desires to successfully pass the test. Thank you for any tips, informations, or guidance you can provide. Good luck with everything!

ACE Class
by: Anonymous

Go to the weekend Class and get the DVD it will have every question that could possible be on the TEST.. i mean everything!!

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