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I passed! (1/17/2012) Study Advice

by Stacey

I just got home from passing my ACSM PT exam. I can't really give hints as to what exactly was on it, I honestly don't remember because I was so worried about passing. BUT I can give you these hints ..

Make sure you understand WHY the answer is what is ..especially when answering these questions. The questions asked here, were not really on MY test today, but because I understood why each question answer was right, it really helped. Understanding is key.

Make sure you completely understand exercise physiology. I did awful on this section, and I am a 4.0 student in my last year, in a very good exercise science bachelors program.

The human behavior section .. I cannot remember anything about it, but all I know is I didn't study it once, and I got 100%. Obviously, don't stress about it, use common sense.

And thats my last tip I think, use your common sense, if you exercise you know what is good and what is bad for the most part. ACSM was very scientific. I wasn't surprised by that, but make sure you truly appreciate that fact.

Ooh, the person that wrote down 100 questions .. well, I don't think any of them were on my test ... It helped for studying to understand, but it sure wasn't the actual test at all.

Study hard. I studied a whole month .. and it was worth it. Now I can say I am ACSM PT certified, and now start studying for my HFS from them.

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