I passed but NASM won't give me my score!
I studied for months and months...on and off...I went to a live workshop, watched the DVD's, read the entire book, did all the questions in the study guide and took the practice test online several times.
I passed the real exam but they won't give you your score. I felt the test was nothing like the practice tests and I honestly did not know if I had passed or failed when I finished it in one hours time (an hour early). I was relieved to hear that I passed it (the first time) but I desperately wanted to know how "well" I passed it...
I was disappointed to hear that NASM do not give out those scores. They only give it to those who don't pass.
Jeanene Cannon, NASM CPT (I'm also certified with AFAA for Group Exercise and as a Personal Fitness Trainer) - NASM definitely exceeds AFAA!