I worked for 24 hour Fitness
by Tye Stewart
(San Marcos, CA 92078)
I would never recommend working for 24 Hour. First, they don't care how qualified the trainers are. They just want to make money any way possible. Most trainers are not in good shape. (It's like a dentist telling their patients they need to floss everyday, but they are wearing dentures.) I personally sold more personal training than anyone else in the gym. And it wasn't an ego thing either, personal training is my passion. I live the life style I train others to live. FYI, when new members sign up for Personal Training those contract are given to the PT Manager to disperse out to the PT. At least the gym I worked for, the new contracts were given to selected people. And they didn't pay any wages when you were not training, so your income depended on working the floor for FREE. And hoping to sale contracts.
Second, my pay checks were always short. It was never ending with having to track down money owed.
I would suggest starting your own business.
If you are just starting, you might want to try working for a gym for a while.