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Personal Trainer splits as an independent contract.

by David Sozua
(Jackson, CA)

I am a personal trainer in a small town roughly 2,000 people. I might have 1,200- 1,400 members in our facility. With a poor demographic and a older clientele of ages 65 and up that make up 19% of our community.

I am currently on a 35%-65% percent split with members who already exist at the gym prior to me starting my business and 25%-75% split for members i get in. OF course i get the bigger percentage of the two but could i possibly decrease that even more. Say to 20%?

What would be some ideal split based on the demographic as well as members.

David Souza

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by: Anonymous

On the whole, depending on the market you are in, 20-25% is is a solid portion to pay the gym since they are in fact, bringing the clients to your doorstep.

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Independent Trainer Salaries

by Jack
(Fresno, CA)

I have been an independent trainer for over a year and a half now and I enjoy it a lot. I started out as an in house trainer for a corporation and lasted for two years. I gained a lot of knowledge over those two years that benefit me now as an independent.

The biggest upside to being an independent is being your own boss. I make my own prices, schedule and never have to make a monthly quota. I set my prices at what I feel I am worth and because of the undercutting I found a price that was still higher than others but at the same time reasonable to explain why I was twenty dollars more than the next highest trainer. It's really important to believe in what you are putting out on the floor and stick to your pricing. I am a full time independent and wouldn't change my career for anything.

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Need help
by: Torre Mastroianni

I'm looking to do independent training as well because I feel there is more money in that and one of the big reasons I want to get into PT is to be my own boss. One of my worries is when to train people seeing that most work a 9-5? Training in the morning and night limits the amount of people. Do you rent out space in a gym, do in home training, what are your hours usually, and how much do you pay monthly for health and dental insurance?

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My Salary Experience

by Denise garcia
(Tenafly new jersey)

I've been training for 13 years and I love it. I keep studying I give weekly homeworks, go over metabolic body types in body and food. Write diets, foam roll, fix injuries, all ages all problems I've worked sports medicine clinscs, chiropractic center, main gyms, did bodybuilding competitons, read Paul check information.

I now go to peoples homes get paid $70 to $100 an hour. Every place I went to I was there for two years and learned what I can from the best trainers and moved on. Keep learning now I'm writing a book. I make anywhere from $120,000 to $150,000 a year depnding on who goes away or who is sick. I love it!!!

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by: Anonymous

Wow That's great! Can you describe the homework that you give and why you do it and what kind of reaction clients have to it? That sounds like a great idea to let them know you care.

Metabolic Typing
by: Anonymous

I also read a lot of Paul Chek's work. Also I listen to UG wellness radio online.

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