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Is the NASM OPT Model that different than other programs?

by Joe

I'm in the process of comparing programs to become a CPT and was wondering if the OPT model is as unique and cutting-edge as it sounds?

It seems to me that the techniques in this model should be taught by the other programs (ACE, NSCA, ACSM) as well. Are they? Or is NASM that much more advanced than the others?


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NASM vs. the others
by: Anonymous

NASM is great for the general population. It is a very good certification and one of the most recognized. NSCA is also great it puts together some of the older school techniques but is still one of the best especially the CSCS cert. ACSM-HFI is also very good. The difference I noticed is that NASM is much more strict with form than these other certs, which is crucial when working with deconditioned people. Now if your an athlete looking for more performance all of these certs would be suffice but I would prefer the CSCS cert in this case.

NASM vs. others (Part 2)
by: Anonymous

I agree wholeheartedly with "Anonymous" regarding NASM's OPT model for deconditioned clients. I have weight trained the 'old school' way for 30 years and I was BLOWN AWAY by NASM's approach. I don't know enough about the other programs (ACSM, NSCA, etc.), but I would highly recommend NASM if your client base is like mine...boomers and weekend athletes.

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