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ISSA Master Trainer

by phil

I am looking to add to my cert list and was looking at the ISSA Master Trainer cert.

Has anyone taken these tests are they good?

I have experience in the field in addition to NESTA and IFPA MPT. I noticed it was more pricey than either of the other 2 MPT programs.

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by: Anonymous

Hi, ISSA is goes into depth on alot of different training methods, it touches on nutrition and how many calories your client should be eating while training and it touches on the ZIG ZAG approach. It is basic body functions cells, bones, tendens, etc. the different systems in the body. It touches on different special populations briefly. Have you looked into one of their specialities? You have 2 certs but have you thought of getting a specialitie like youth, SR's, nutrition? Any program you go through you can call them or email on the website and they are pretty fast in answering. Their cert comes with a website but its pretty basic. But its free. They do give you advice in a book on how to go and build your biz. I was wondering how do you like the NESTA MPT program? I have been looking at that one. Thanks.

nesta mpt
by: phil

Thanks for the reply. I did enroll in the isssa mpt course. I just completed their cft. I was impressed as to how comprehensive it was. I'm going to say it was the most comprehensive cft course I've taken.
The Nesta mpt is outstanding. Each course you take covers info in great detail and the final project is fun.
One thing I would do slightly different that only the Ifpa mpt requires is you need ex amount of experience to earn the title.
Looking back all 3 mpt paths cover the same and different Info..combining them all into one toolbox has been great.
I will say that I like projects like designing workouts as opposed to just answering questions.
All in all I would do all 3 again if I had the choice.

ISSA Master Trainer Program is well worth it!
by: Life of a Fighter

I found that ISSA Master Trainer Program to not only be great, educational and complex but also really carries over to real world application. I have definitely reached more niche markets because of this cert program and look forward to helping more and more clients with my company now thanks to my new credentials and knowledge!

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