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Just Passed ACSM with a 593

by lisa

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the ACSM test. It took me just under the 2.5 hours alotted. I was pleased I purchased your test prep from this website, I do believe that it helped out. I also purchased the ACSM practice test from the ACSM website and it was a complete joke. Not only were none of the questions on the test it was poorly set up and cost $50.

I would def recommend your prep test as opposed to acsm's. I did think acsm is more technical as far as language goes, however yours really does give an organized jist of the content.

The test was extremely hard, I have my bachelors in Kinesiology; so I have taken my fair share of a&p, biomechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition, etc.... classes and this test was much tougher than any test I have EVER taken. I studied for at least 1 hour a day for a month straight.

Anyhow not to scare people but just be prepared since it does cost so much $$ to take and retake.

I would recommend really knowing your risk stratifications, muscles of rotator cuff & what they do, met-vo2 max equation, Heart rate reserve equation, what the Borg scale measures and what the #'s mean, how to calculate BMI & what the #'s mean, PNF, Isokinetic, and Isometric stretching, food pyramid info as far as how much fat we need in our diet, how many kcalories in a lb, what muscle aids in posture( erector spinae), Par Q test, informed consent, alot of questions on spotting with barbells, concentric, eccentric, hip flexion and what causes it, what joint makes the most movements, diff b/w skeletal and muscular tissue,calculation for waist circumferce, skin fold sites and which ones use a diagonal measurement, I wish I could remember more but all I can say is Study

I think I may have wasted my time on knowing every muscle, bone, joint, type of joint anatomical terms and I really should've paid more attention to exercise RX, human behavior, and safety and injury prevention. Good luck
BTW I passed on my 1st try so maybe why I didn't pass w/ flying colors

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retake acsm
by: anonymous 1

i took my acsm cpt exam but could not clear in first take.i couldnt attend workshops as its far from my place.did not practice any test as it all cost too much. can anyone help me out.i have some financial crisis.both .pls suggest tips to pass next time

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