Just Passed ACSM!
by Leslie
The ACSM exam was tough. Here's what I remember: 1. Risk stratification - several questions 2. Know the anatomy of the rotator cuff- which muscle abducts 3. Know the anatomy of the heart. Where blood enters,exits 4. Spotting techniques 5. Consequences of a high protein diet 6. Calculate target heart rate, max heat rate ex:220-age X percent rate plus resting rate 7. eccentric motion causes doms 8. uphill/downhill running, which muscle is stretched, etc 9. which muscle allows for expiration/inspiration 10. what does the bicuspid valve do? 11. stages of change 12. calculate target body weight. ex: current weight is 180 and 25% body fat. Wants 20% body fat, so what is the target weight. 13. How often to drink water when working out in hot weather. 14. What weather is bad for asthma. Type of air (dry, damp, cold, warm, etc) There were very few questions that required calculations. Most of the test revolved around exercise prescription. I used the practice test from this site and ACSM's study guide. This is all I can remember. Good Luck!