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Just passed ACTION

The ACTION certification exam is harder than you would think let me just start off by saying that. I was able to pass after about 6-7 weeks of work. I was putting in about 2-3 hours a day hit or miss plus I had a friend who offered to let me train her while i was learning so i could apply it. Don't think you are going to be able to do it in 1-2 weeks and go get a job is what im trying to say. Thank you ACTION it was so worth it.

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agreed! :)
by: Terri

I agree with you. The exam, although open book, is no joke. You have only 90 minutes to answer 100 multiple choice questions so you won't really have time to check your notes or the book for more than a few questions. If you are really familiar with majority of the material in the textbook and only have a couple of points that you are unclear of, then you maybe able to check up on it - 3 or 4 questions perhaps - as there really isn't much time.

The test focused on the "application" of the knowledge acquired, not memorization so you'll need to really understand what you are learning.

I have a medical background (psychiatrist) so the anatomy, exercise science and biomechanics chapters were not "strange" to me but even with all that, I still had to study hard for a whole month (I downloaded the book on August 8th, upgraded to the pro-plan on August 18th and just passed the ACTION cert this morning). I put in about 1-2 hours every night after work, read the book carefully, watched the recorded lectures and took several practice exams before today. I got 92% - you need 70% to pass - and I have to admit the test is NOT easy. Some of my medical school exams 25 years ago were easier than this. :)

If you read the textbook carefully and really digest the concepts and could put them to practical use, then you'll pass the exam. I find the recorded lectures very helpful. The practice exams seemed much easier than the actual one so I won't put too much emphasis on those.

About ACTION Certification
by: JC Smith

When I downloaded the ACTION textbook, I was immediately impressed with the facts and knowledge contained within. I was well informed already in most of the areas, having followed BodyBuilding for many years, and had garnered much information through the various encyclopedias and the many monthly informative magazines.

I decided(as in my University day) to simply "cram" for 24 hours, and then take the exam(foolish as it might sound).

Upon taking the exam I did find it to be harder than expected, but still finished within 45 minutes, and, by the skin of my teeth, passed with a mark of 75%(70% is the required minimum).

But, I always will have the textbook for reference, and I now have my certification and diploma.

I would say that the only thing lacking was there was really nothing to do with the different bodytypes, muscle groups, or exercises pertaining to such. Also very little on fat loss/fat burning, nutrition, and supplementation. But, basically, anyone who is into weight training, reading every single magazine voraciously, and watching videos, knows that stuff like the back of your hand.

All in all, a long but pleasurable way to spend 24 hours, and to be certified.

JC Smith ACTION Certified Personal Trainer

tougher than ACE
by: Paulo

I took the test yesterday and let me tell you i have the ACE certification and i think it was more difficult this one, some certifications that you find online they are like jokes even a kid can do it but not this one. Plus its a bonus its free.

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