Just Registered my Domain for a Personal Training Website
by Patrick
(San Diego)
Hey Katie,
I have been browsing your site for about a week now and first off I'd like to commend you for making a very informative, professional, and from what I would guess, very effective website. I was reading the "About You" section and read that you went through SiteSell to help build the site, a service through which I've been using for the past couple months. No wonder I liked your site so much! I'm very impressed with the knowledge I've gained from them thus far.
I'm a personal trainer employed by the Marine Corps to train both Active Duty and Civilians, and am also, obviously, at the very early stages of starting my own PT business. I have just registered my domain of www.prodigypersonaltraining.com, and am about to add content to my site. The site is to offer both online products and services, but also to advertise my own indepent practice out here in San Diego. I was just curious, do you affiliate/outsource with any other sites or companies in the fitness industry as one of your monetization strategies? If so, what types of services or information were you able to conclude would be profitable and begin implenting into your site? If not, do you still see that as a viable opportunity for my particular site and reccomend it for me? It's a strategy I've been considering, what do you think?
Any input would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks for your time and keep up the solid work champ!!!
Patrick Certified Personal Trainer Certified Sports Nutritionist