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KSA Question!

by Nina Chung
(San Ramon, CA)

I finished reading the 2 larger books (Resources for the PT & the Review book) and am on my way to do the practice exams from the Review book, ACSM website, and this website here... As I understand it, I should know every KSA in the back of the book. Page 495 of the book clarifies the numbering system and what they all mean.... But when they actually list the KSAs, it all has to do with the General Population, no special populations. Are we supposed to assume we have to know all of the KSAs for each of the other populations?? It's organization is so confusing!! Any tips or clarification would be greatly appreciated!!

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KSA advice
by: Nina

I posed a question earlier about where the KSAs were (it seemed that the KSAs in the big book weren't complete as it only had KSAs for the "general population."...I later found the KSAs in the little green book to be more comprehensive).

But.. there is a lot in there!

If were to study all the practice exams from this website and the ACSM website til I "perfected" them, would typing out each KSA still be necessary? Not that I'm not willing to put in the work for it (the KSAs) but I don't want to waste my time either of doing the exams over and and over will be just as effective.

Any advice would be great!

re: writing KSAs
by: Anonymous

I passed the exam today, 9/23/11.

I did not write out the KSAs. I didn't pay much attention to them until the last few weeks of study because I was so busy learning the material in the 3 books. I did not use the study questions on the ACSM site.

Other contributors to this thread have done a good job of giving a preview of what is on the test. So I won't go into the exam contents here.

If you are like me and this is your first cert, I highly recommend purchasing the online cert exam course offered by this site. I studied for 3 months and I have no background in physiology and I am *very* happy I passed on the first attempt.

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