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Low cost fitness classes and personal training, but ZERO clients!?

by P

Well qualified trainer, popular fitness classes, low prices on everything. Please help with marketing and how to get my foot in the door! I've tried free sessions, but NO ONE wants to commit!

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low cost fitness?
by: Anonymous

Maybe your prices are too low? I told an experienced trainer what I was charging an in-home client and she was outraged and said it is bad for the industry. Just a thought.

Get Referral Source
by: Anonymous

Our own healthcare professionals are excellent referral sources. I had diabetes. My registered dietitian talked me into becoming a personal trainer and told me that she would me referrals. The nurse in my doctors office used to do bodybuilding; she asked for advertising material. When I went for CPR/AED training, I was told to drop off advertising to them. When I see my podiatrist, I drop off material.

I earned the NSCA-CPT so that I could have niche markets, especially since I'm in my 50s. I decided to market to people who are similar to me--female (I do in-home, too), older, arthritic, asthmatic, diabetic. Now I do charge at the lower end of the range for Chicago, but I do so because I work mainly with African American clients on the South Side. I also have a value-added service: some free classes for personal training clients. Since I have to keep myself in shape anyway, several times a week for a grand total of about 6-7 hours, I hold exercise classes outdoors. The only classes that I can't participate in directly is Tabata because it requires the use of a stopwatch. Anyone can take them, but only personal training clients get to take some for free, depending on the number of personal training sessions they've purchased.

See, one of the things that happened was that I belong to gym at one time and lost 70 lbs off of my 5'1 frame. People asked if they could work out with me and if I'd train them. So I realized that clients love working out with their personal trainers. Keep that in mind.

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