NASM, 8 years later
by AmyK
(San Diego CA)
I took in 2007, passed ...never trained and didn't do my CEU's and expired.
In 2012, I re purchased,- and do to a death in my family- never touched it after I paid for it and so- it became null and void.
2014- I decided to contact NASM, see if I could take my test and not pay more due to circumstances and miraculously, they said,"OK" and then to top it off- I had a club say they would hire me but here was the catch- I had 3.5 weeks to take NASM. Thankfully, it was already purchased and paid for-
so- what did I do...I watched EVERY SINGLE on line video. I barely read the book- no time. I paper clipped ALL the chapters s they would be divided for easy reference and then scoured the internet for others study guides. I listened on my iphone to video presentations while I was working out. Then with work and no time...I decided to cut out all my workouts and just focus on the test to pass. I NEVER not workout...but time is of the essence and I work 40 - 50 hours/week in a completely different industry. I now had two weeks left and I was also tasked with taking NESTA. (I gave myself 3.5 days to study and I don't mean I had 8 hour days). I used three straight weekends of about 5 - 6 hours/day- interrupted sleep and early before work to : do all teh review questions, take the study test, make screen shots and by the time the tests came, I had probably read the equivalent of the book with only the highlights of what was necessary. The flashcards were great for Main themes and terms of what to expect on the test- and if I were to encourage any additional purchase for NASM, it may be that.
So, I took NESTA on a WED and yesterday (FR) I took NASM and passed both. NASM is definitely harder and actually better...if I could add (1) more Cert- it would be the one that a degree is required...but I am not adding any more basic certs- I want gym time and experience and then I will specialize and focus on a niche- NASM is a great overall curriculum, and now to get back in shape from 2 full weeks off of a work out, I am going to design an OPT model'd theme workout for myself so I can practice what I preach.
Is it rocket science..No. Is it what I took in college 25 years ago (my degree was in Human Kinesiology)...hell no, but is it a good overall certificate- yes. Will it make me a better trainer- remains to be seen, but my credentials definitely earn me respect as well as a higher pay scale upon entry in being hired.
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