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Just passed the NASM cert exam!!

by John

I will tell you that it is brutal. Please study all of the topics listed in the NASM outline guide.

Find all of the practice test questions you can and learn those. Don't just memorize the answers, but know the why's and how's.

It's essential to MEMORIZE all of the exercises mentioned in the book, except the reference pages in the back. Know exactly which exercise belongs to which training phase and why. Know the muscles involved. Know the regressions and progressions of them as well..cold.

Know your special populations. Know assessments cold. Know why knees turn in our out and feet turn out and how to correct it.

Know the energy stuff like the three pathways for getting energy.

I thought I was fully prepared, but wasn't. I'm actually surprised I passed.

Good luck!

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Just Passed NASM Exam 4 Today! February 2013

by James

After about five months of studying I passed the NASM exam on my first try! About 15-20 questions in I was almost sure I was going to fail. The way the questions were worded was very different from the practice test and threw me off at first. But once I settled in it became easier.

I took the practice test about 20 times and it did help get me familiar with the right topics for the exam. The exam is definetely a step up from the practice test but does contain some of the same questions and questions that are relative to others on the practice test. If your not getting at least a 95% on your practice test than you are in trouble! So take as much as you can. You must know Program Design Continuum(Page 341) The Progression Continuum(Page 345)Neural Activation(Page 38)Functions of The Heart&Blood(Pages 52&54)Muscles As Movers(Page 42)Energy(Page 67-68) All of Chapter 6(Page 99) Compensations,Imbalances and Corrective Strategies(Page 183)Stretching Techniques(Page 162)
Cardiorespiratory Training Methods(Page 199)Muscles of the Core(Page 211). Be familiar with all Core,Balance,Flexibility and Resistance exercises and whether they are stabilization, power, etc. You also need go to Appendix D(Muscular System Page 575) and try to memorize the isolated function of every muscle. You should also know your key word definitions. This is a hard exam for most of us, so get to know as much of this stuff as you can.

Good Luck!

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Taking the test.
by: Anonymous

I had taken version 3 and it expired back in 2014 how different is version 4 from version 3? I have all my material from version 3. Would I be able to pass this test? I looked at the study guide and the info I need to study looks the same. If you have any infor on that, let me know.

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Passed NASM 4th Edition exam on first try (Nov. 2012)

by Sarah

I feel like I really overstudied!

The exam was not as hard as I thought it would be. You have 120 min to answer 120 questions, all multiple choice.

Things that you definitely want to know are:
-The Phases of the OPT model and the corresponding stretches and exercises pg.9-14 and appendix B
-Compensations, Muscle Imbalances and Corrective Strategies on pg. 183
-Fitness assessment (Overhead squat, pushing, pulling)

Just knowing those really well will probably get you by, but you should also be very familiar with:
-Anatomy of the core
-Definitions of the different type of flexibility and stretches
-Recommended macronutrient intake
-Sets and reps for endurance, hypertrophy, strength and power
-Progression and regression of stabilization exercises
-Blood pressure and zone heart rates.

Something that really helped me was the exam prep on this website.

Good Luck!

**Editor's note: reference to product endorsement removed due to spam guidelines **

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Anyone taken the NASM Version 4 test?

by Melissa

I am currently studying for the NASM exam, and I believe the book has changed based on the below posts. Has anyone recently taken the exam? I am kind of freaking out - I am scheduled to take the exam next week.

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Yes... I've taken AND passed the NASM exam
by: Anonymous

I took the NASM exam and passed it.... on the 2nd try. The 1st try I missed passing by 2 or 3 questions.

Just be sure you study and know the chart on page 169.

I have also just taken a CEU exam thru NASM and passed easily!

Study, know the material, and DOUBLE CHECK your answers during the exam. I did this and believe it helped me pass the exam!

page 169
by: Anonymous

Is page 169 in your book of static kneeling hop flexor stretch?


Passed Version 4 NASM
by: Anonymous

I passed Nasm version 4 on the first try. If anyone would like some helpful tips feel free to post here and I will do the best I can to reply. It was a tough exam.

by: Anonymous

Everyone keep referring to page 169. In the version 4 book, I believe it's page 183 that you really need to know. I'm studying now for the test and plant o take it in about 4 weeks. The amount of material is overwhelming. Any words of advice would be helpful. I've been trying memorize the definitions and I've successfully memorized page 183 but what are the other most important things to know to help you pass. I'm on Chapter 11 Plyometric training now and feeling pretty burnt out by the whole thing. HELP!!!

NASMVersion 4
by: Diana

I haven't taken it yet, but plan on taking it around December. What chapter are you on now? When do you plan on taking the exam? That over head squat assessment etc... is killing me! A lot to absorb. Good Luck

NASM 4th edition
by: Elizabeth

Hi, I am taking the 4th edition CPT online course. There are some excellent references on this website from people who have taken the test. The chapters/titles might be off because of 3rd and 4th edition, but the material is the same.

I'll be happy to share any feedback or tidbits I've learned. Just e-mail me. I would like to hear from those who have taken the 4th edition exam and compare notes to see what I have to look forward to. Good luck to everyone and thank you to all the people who have shared helpful hints! You have helped me sleep at night :)

NASM 4 exam
by: Anonymous

Its not a hard test. I studied the 3rd book for two weeks and passed on my first attempt. I do however have a background in exercise science but needless to say its a very staright forward exam with no tricks in it. If you know the material there should be no problem passing! Good luck!

nasm test
by: Christina

I am getting ready to take the nasm test can anyone give me some info on what to study. I read the book twice but the overhead squat assessment gets me everytime.

Took the test this past weekend and passed
by: Anonymous

I took the NASM CPT4 test this past weekend and much to my relief, I passed the first time. It was hard but definitely passable if you study. I studied for 5 months before attempting the test. I wanted to make sure I knew the material inside and out. Many of the questions on the test were not on any practice tests that I took. If you study, and study hard, you will pass.

by: Anonymous

I am scheduled to take the exam next month. Any advice on specific material? How off was the exam versus the practice tests? Or was it completely different questions? Any bit of help would be appreciated. Starting to get a little stressed!!!!!

Failed NASM Exam today
by: Anonymous

Failed the NASM Exam today by 8 points. Any suggestions?

Version 4 Exam
by: Anonymous

I can only imagine how frustrating it must feel to fail by 8 points!! I am scheduled next week on Dec. 7th, 3 days before my birthday. Hope I am celebrating and not crying:( Do you have an idea of what stumped you on the exam?? or did it just cover stuff you did not study intensely? I am getting nervous now:) Any advice you can pass along would be he;pful. Thanks. I hope you pass the next time around, I heard it was a tough exam for everybody. Good Luck!

Im lost
by: Judy

I just signed up for the exam and purchased NASM Pro. I thought it came with the Eteach. It does not but I would really like to learn through a program that is in this format. Has anyone done the Eteach? I am new to the fitness arena, so I need all the help I can get but also have to control costs. I am from a nutrition background.

Exam taken 6-12-14
by: Anonymous

These pages helped me pass the exam; here are my comments to help others.

I did 6 weeks of study. Almost everyday I studied; sometimes up to 3 hours. I read and noted the textbook - this is key so you don't have to wade through the textbook to reference. I watched all the chapter video tutorials, twice, and completed the chapter activities, twice, for both the video tutorials and the text book quizzes and crosswords. I made my own flashcards for the definitions. I completed the practice exams (there were 3), twice. And took the time to reference and learn the right answers.

I felt underprepared going in but over prepared coming out. The practice exams really prepare you; some of the questions are the same, just worded a little differently.

I have a fitness teaching background, and this helped. I found the first section about human movement science the hardest.

Other people have posted what you need to know. Read their posts and follow their advice right down to the table/figure and page number reference.

I regret not spending time in the gym doing the actual exercise on a machine, or with the equipment. To this end, I thought of hiring a personal trainer to train me, just to get an insight into the assessment process. The assessment process is a big part of the exam.

Be consistent and regular with your study; seek to understand the information in a practical sense, rather than just memorizing it. NASM wants you to demonstrate application of knowledge in passing their exam.

Good luck!

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NASM Exam - 7/20/2013 Houston, Texas

by "Me-Me" Wells
(Houston, Texas)

The exam is pretty much the CPT-4 Practice Exam but reworded. There are some other questions thrown in which I beleive are the research questions of which you can identify imediately. The main questions that I found precise and of many were the musculeur functions (Basic and Applied Science), exercise techniques and training instructions. They were sometimes asked twice but worded differently. Know the funtions and exercises.

My advice to you is study (if you are self-study). Don't MEMORIZE anything. Know why it's done the way it is and the result of it. Use your time to study at least 2-3 hours a day for long term memory. If you use your time wisely, by the time you reach 1 month before exam scheduling of your 180 days, you will have known everything there is to know. Don't be nervous or freakout (like I did) because the test is very easy but you must have studied every bit of your BOOK, ETeach, flash cards, etc...anything that can assist with studies. For those that did not pass, you need to better prepare yourself and study as if you are back in school again. Like I told my adult kids when they were in school, "If you don't get it in 9 months, you won't get it in 2 months." I didn't believe in summer school. 6 months of self study for NASM certification is a sufficient amount of time to ace the test but if you choose to bundle your studies in 1 or 2 months, you have just set yourself up for failure.

Blessings to you and see you in the field. -"Me-Me" Wells

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NASM 4th Edition
by: Christina F

I just finished the ecourse cpt associates course and took my practice exam and scored very low passing but still a low scare 79. I now feel even less confident. I have not schedule my exam yet as I need to obviously study more. I am struggling with the overwhelming material and retaining it. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP! any suggestions on best way to study. I haven't been to school in a very long time. I have been busy raising my family and truly lost with the best way to study.

I have written countless notes and made countless flashcards and probably have highlighted almost every sentence.(seriously) please any advice, suggestions or breakdown on what to prepare for would be greatly appreciated. I was feeling a little confident before taking practice exam but the confidence is gone and now replaced with stress and anxiety. can email me if you have time or any advice..

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