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by RLM
(Santa Monica, CA)

Like many people on your site (which has been a GREAT resource in my seemingly endless search for the right P.T. program), I am overwhelmed with the options out there' both education and certification wise.

I have been pouring over options and came across NCCPT which has a pretty little website and seems to have a comprehensive weekend supplement course to their home-study. I didn't see too much about them on your site though and am wondering what you or anyone might know about this option.

Thank you so much for all of your work on this very helpful website! Be Fit!

Comments for NCCPT

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by: Andre`

I got certified with NCCPT. As far as I know it is only respected by LA Fitness. It is their in house Cert. I would not use that as the basis for my foundation for training. The workshop is hands on but do not expect to learn much.

NCCPT a good certification
by: Heather

I am NCCPT-certified and thought the materials, course and exam were very thorough. I've never had trouble getting a job as a personal trainer or attracting clients. I'm essentially using the certification as groundwork to get other certifications. If there is a workshop in your area, I would highly recommend taking it. NCCPT also is recognized by IDEA, which is helpful when looking for liability insurance.

by: Anonymous

A gym called Fitness 19 requires the NCCPT cert as well and has asked me to get certified by the end of this month. Is that even possible? I have the book and the sample test from 2007.

NCCPT-Golds Gym Required
by: Anonymous

Golds Gym also uses as their "in house" cert for continued employment with them despite whatever current certifications you already possess.(San Antonio, Tx)

San Antonio, TX
by: JG

Hey Anon, Does Golds Gym except Trainers with the NCCA Cert's?
I am looking to be Certified and this looks like the best option as far as Finances. LMK

by: Julie

Is this a reputable training cert? I bought the course online and got an ebook and voucher to take the test online. the study material is ok, but not as good as ACE. will i still be able to get clients with a nccpt cert?

Julie F

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