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NCSF exam advice

by Ariana
(Buffalo, NY)

I just passed the NCSF exam, so I thought I'd pass on some advice. It is a tough test and anyone would need to study to pass it. I studied the entire text before taking the workshop, then I studied really hard for a week and took the test.
I would suggest buying their practice exam or at the very least checking out their online exam because the NCSF exam is written with tough vocabulary. There were questions on the test that I had to read 3 or 4 times, just to understand the question itself.

Other than that, know your stuff. I did not have to identify any bones or muscles, but if I didn't know them I wouldn't have been able to answer a lot of questions.

There was not a lot of questions that involved math. Maybe 5 total and none of them were the more complicated formulas.

Also, you only need a 62% to pass, which I thought was fair since it's such a tough test.

Good luck with your studies!

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Prepare for the NCSF
by: Anonymous

I plan to take the NCSF exam will the NCSF Practice Examination Combo and Advanced Concepts of Personal Training Study Guide Answer Key help me get prepared? There's no workshop located near me in the area of KY.

by: Anonymous

Wow what a test, i think if you read the book and focus and the study guide quiz questions you should be fine. I know other personal trainers that said that it's not an easy test and they are right. However if you study and make sure you understand the material you will do good...

NCSF Exam is a great test
by: Anonymous

Not an easy all. I already passed the National Certification for Massage and Bodywork exam so much of the A. and P. I already know before study. Know Vo2 max and other assessments. Study, the practice test and review the pre-test materials, you will do fine.

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Study, Study, Study

by David
(Miami, FL, U.S.)

I just passed the NCSF Personal Trainer Cert. Exam. It was somewhat difficult, but not as bad as I expected. My advice to anyone on their way to becoming certified through NCSF is to study. Read the book and pay close attention to the Functional Anatomy and Physiology section. The 2 sections had a good number of questions and were worded very technically. The other sections were not too difficult, but I am sure I would not have passed them had I not studied. Training Instruction, Exercise Prescription, and Screening and Evaluation are the largest sections of the exam. Make sure you know your stuff in those areas.

Use the NCSF study guide, purchase the 2 NCSF Practice Exams, and purchase this site's 9 Day Test Prep Program (EXCELLENT TOOL). They were all excellent study materials and were worth every penny I spent. The combination of the 3 is your best tool to ensure you pass.

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why things don't stick in my brain
by: Mr Tee f/Paterson NJ

I'm really trying to get this study thing down but you have to be concestant.. i really like the way NCSF break the material down i guess it's just me thanks for the update on what to study

Very hard but passed
by: Steve

I passed the exam with an 81 but I walked in there thinking 90+. I actually wondered during the exam if I had the right test and also (thinking I was doing horrible) how I would prepare for a retake because I thought I had done all I could do. My recommendation for anyone taking this test is to have a working knowledge rather than just memorization--to that I have to think the NCSF workshops, not available to me, may have helped.

I say "working knowledge" because even though I had the info down,the questions are worded much different and made me think I had no idea. There were questions identical to those on the practice tests offered here and the PDF practice exam from NCSF--as well as the other practice exam on their website...goodluck!

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Know your stuff!

by Alice

Just passed the NCSF test! You have to know your stuff! Not just reference knowledge but applicable knowledge. Know how to apply the principles and what they mean for various population types. This site was awesome in my prep and thanks to them for putting this together. It's a great addition to your studies. I used it to know where I was deficient and researched and studied on those deficiencies further. This made a HUGE difference. I suggest taking the practice exams on this site and adding it with NCSF study materials and practice tests. I also purchased the NCSF flash cards. They were somewhat helpful. They helped me again on focusing in on where I needed to study up. There really are very few straight forward, easy questions. Everything is applied to a scenario, which is great and really makes you think so you really need to know your stuff to pass!

Best of luck, study, and KNOW YOUR STUFF!

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Excellent Program, make sure you really study Everything

by Robert

I have been in the fitness industry for about 10 years, I have been personal training full time for over 5 of those. I already hold a national certification but was impressed with NCSF program and instructors. I took the 2 day course in Dallas with Brian B. and he was an excellent teacher he really knew his stuff. I studied the book, the CD's and also bought the practice tests and flash cards. I studied until I could get at least a 95% on all practice tests in the manual, flash cards and practice exams. My study partner randomly tested me on "made up" questions right from the book.

I took the test today and to be honest is was very tough and in some ways very technical so be ready for equations and be sure and study your Flexion and Extension movements muscles and why/how/when they are used.

Of all the certifications I have done research on this one is the best.

Good luck

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