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NESTA Exam tips

by Jane
(Vernon, BC)

I'm booked in to take the exam at the end of the month. I got a big text book to learn and not just the videos. I thought if you can learn it all from the video why are there books!

I have a really hard time with learning written information but am very good with the practical side of things, do you have any tips for me to help learn all the information. There are a lot of big words and terminology and it's scary to me. I want to do this more than anything but am scared I won't pass. Is the exam easy or hard?

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NESTA exam advice
by: Anonymous

I would recommend taking the NESTA workshop study before you take the course. You can take the NESTA test at the end while all the information is fresh in your head. good luck!


Where can I find this information NESTA workshop study

about the
by: Anonymous

Study chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 well.

Record on Recorder
by: Anonymous

What I did was I recorded the terms and their meanings/explanations onto a tape recorder and listened to them over and over again (visualizing them as I listened).

For muscles, insertions, origins, etc I put them into tables. I listed each muscle and listed their origins, insertions (I used only the first letters, so T for Tibialis Anterior, so I can visually see what's what all in 1 page)

Just took the NESTA PFT exam
by: Retrobeast

I must say I was totally surprised by many of the questions on the exam.
There were many business chapter questions.

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by Goddess

I passed my NESTA exam yesterday! And I know I wouldn't have been able to pass it if it wasn't for the online exam prep course (the one on this site). I luckily found it 2 weeks before the test and since then I've been studying its material.

What I liked about the prep course:

*Some questions were questions on the exam
*Practicing taking tests on the computer helped a lot
*The questions helped me figure out what I still needed to focus on and review

About the NESTA exam

There were no fill-in-the-blanks, only multiple choice questions. There is a calculator on the computer you can use. They give you scratch paper to write notes on and do calculations on for the test, you can't bring your own. You can't bring water, watch, etc into the exam room.

Other things that helped me pass the exam:

Watching the videos (included in the NESTA course). I watched as many as I could the coming days before the exam to refresh my memory

Know your formulas! I wondered if I needed to know the Karvonen equation, and yes, there it was. (but on my test, there are different test versions, I only had to know the Karvonen equation.)

There was at least one question from each chapter but chapters I would especially focus on are the ones on Program Design and Program Instruction (Lesson 14 and Lesson 15). For instance, they gave real life scenarios. Ex. They give a client's profile, name, age, weight, goals, health history, now what program would be best?

Know macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles and what happens in each.

Know the muscles on Ch 3, For ex. I got a question on the muscles on the rotator cuff (teres minor, subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus) know how muscles are spelled, they try to trick you by giving similar spellings.

Really know Chapters 3, 9-13 (and the one on Biomechanics too, and plantar/dorsi flexion, the degrees, the 4 actions of the scapula...)

Other tips:
I'm an auditory learner, so I recorded questions on the prep course with their answers on a cassette recorder and listened to them. I did the prep course quizes, read and understood the explanations that came with them.

What I did was I recorded the terms and their meanings/explanations onto a tape recorder and listened to them over and over again (visualizing them as I listened).

For muscles, insertions, origins, etc I put them into tables. I listed each muscle and listed their origins, insertions (I used only the first letters, so T for Tibialis Anterior, so I can visually see what's what all in 1 page)

Rosemary essential oil wakes you up (better than caffeine for me). It focused my brain without any jittery feeling. If you can't sleep the night before, Lavender essential oil helps. Eat something, just a little something that will pump glucose to your brain, brain activity eats a lot of glucose and if you're stuck, take deep breaths also for the brain.

The exam isn't extremely hard (if you studied, sorry, must study for this one), there were at least 7 common sense questions.

You can contact Nesta support with questions on the course material too. (I have been emailing Nesta with questions like, would you explain this particular concentric phase that occurs when performing squats? And they do answer and quickly.)

Good luck!

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I Took my exam today.
by: Anonymous

Yes I passed!!! :)

It wasn't as easy I'd hoped. The beginning phase of the exam was harder for me. There were a few questions from the exam alerts, not many. Really study Program Design and be able to workout different scenarios for different people. They will list a persons age,height,lifestyle, etc and you will have to choose the appropriate program for them. Learn your stretches and the muscles that will be stretched performing those stretches. I didn't get a question on the Karvonen equation but each exam is different I heard. One last thing, the questions that are on the review are not exactly the same as they are on the exam. If you study the lessons mostly and not just focus on the reviews you will know how to avoid the trick questions. I had a lot of questions about program design and Injury Prevention. Really study those.

I Hope I helped.

by: Junior

how helpful are the review question NESTA provides after every lesson?

by: Anonymous

I'm currently studying for my NESTA exam and I think I'm getting too hung up and wasting time on Chapter 2. Do I need to know the names, roles, structure, and function of each join?

The test is very tricky
by: Anonymous

I haven't past this test 2x
It is very tricky, English is my second language so for me was hard to understand the questions. They are using this double negative etc.... also there is a lot of questions about business. I have study hard and knew all the prep tests from this webside and still didn't past. Good luck. I think Nesta wants more money from us....:-(

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NESTA certification is not easy

by Vionna

I am 19 years old and received my NESTA personal trainer certification last week. The test does require a lot of knowledge and critical thinking. I was able to pass the exam successfully on my fourth try. I do recommend it for other's who like to study with DVD's.

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Four tries to pass the NESTA exam
by: Anonymous

I would be a little scared to be your client if it took you four tries to pass the NESTA test.

If at First you don't succeed.....
by: Anonymous

That was a pretty nasty comment. I don't think I would hire someone like you as my personal trainer

NESTA test
by: Anonymous

I took the test once, and I felt it left out alot of what they hinted would be on the test. I found that they had some questions that didn't even relate to personal training. Missed it by 6. Studying for the second go around. It doesn't help that I tend to freeze up during testing.

experience vs science
by: Anonymous

well-i been in the fitness industry for about 10 years-the nesta teachers are overweight -yeah they know the science but have they experienced the battle field-would i take advice from the basic soldier whos been on the battle field or the captain whos been in the office all day who would you fight along-yeah I dont know much about the scientific lingo-maybe a little-but what it really comes down to-is experience outweighs the science-but if you make a 85 yearold women do sqautjumps your a dumbass-there common sense and stupidity

biggest loserers
by: Anonymous

All these certifications are scams to get your money. They are a joke. They take advantage of losers so the losers can take advantage of bigger losers!

Encourage others don't put them down
by: Anonymous

Whoever left that ignorant comment about not wanting to train with someone because they had to make the test multiple times should really take a look at how judgmental and negative they are. Some people are hands on people and not the best test takers. Whoever left that comment should definitely not be a trainer because they obviously don't know how to treat others and we don't need any trainers like that. Keep your rude comments to yourself because nobody wants to hear them.

Congrats on passing! never give up :)

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Just Completed the NESTA exam

by Crystal

Although I put a lot of time into studying tha materials, I barely passed the exam. The CD-rom manual does not do a very good job explaining exercise applications and so I found myself doing my own research about the same topic online. It helped a lot.

Even though, I really like this organization. They focus a lot on the science of personal training which really puts it all together and helps you understand why it is that you have to do what you do to get a positive outcome with working out. I truly would recommend the NESTA certification!

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by: DB

Good luck, you have an intensity in your eyes that spells success

what type of questions did you
by: Anonymous

feel underprepared for?


Great Job
by: Anonymous

Great job on the exam! What areas do you think you should have focused on more?

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