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Never Again NASM

by Brenda

NASM blocked me from posting on its Facebook page, because I inadvertently showed up its CPTs. If they didn't have a cookie-cutter curriculum it wouldn't have been so easy. For instance, if power is equal to acceleration x mass, then you cannot delete acceleration nor mass from the equation and still train for power. NASM apparently didn't know that.

They also posted a question about which muscles are most affected when we squat using a weighted barbell. I answered that it depends if the bar is placed high, across our shoulders, or low, near the shoulder blades, on our backs. The first one puts more emphasis on our quads the second, on our glutes.

I'm NSCA certified. We were told how to activate certain muscle groups while studying for the test. Further, we were given just enough information to guide us to reason out the answers. For instance, men have lower pulse rates, because they have bigger hearts and lungs and, therefore, their hearts push more blood through the left ventricle with each beat. We weren't told that directly, but we're given enough information about the affect of training on the cardiovascular system to come to that conclusion. No OPT-model's going to get you that.

I had respect for NASM until they banned me from their boards, even though I never swore, called anyone stupid (really didn't think that anyone was until I was banned for seemingly no reason), and earned the FNS credential from them. I now believe that they are a money hungry organization, and I would never earn anything through them again. As a matter of fact, they can have back what I already have earned. I'll earn another from an organization that I have more respect for.

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Never again NASM
by: Anonymous

Yes, protest with your wallet! At least that you can do.

But than, I am afraid, there will be no organisation left to use as they are ALL in a business TO MAKE MORE $$$ by (re)selling us what they have to offer.

I would love to be proved wrong!

by: Anonymous

...are nonprofits--NASM is not. And I have not had the same experiences with them. I can post on their Facebook pages (ACE and NSCA) and talk to their reps (I called NASM and got no response), and they all know that I hold multiple certifications with multiple agencies, say so when it's relevant and don't get banned from posting. So no, not all of the certifying agencies have exactly the same goals.

As for the cookie-cutter method of training, I hold advanced degrees in instructional design and educational technology. That's the type of training I used to do. It has its place. Normally I don't knock it, but I do when companies use it and then attempt to defend their approach by knocking people who inadvertently expose weaknesses in it. I was just having fun answering questions

Never Again NASM
by: Anonymous


I feel your pain; however, my hunch is that more than one cert. agencies, including one that you confronted, have weaknesses in their approaches. Do you think you could simply look at them as different schools of thought? (wink), and then just do your thing? Besides, you are in a great position of being already certified and have the freedom to now finally train your clients using the best possible methods-yours?

I am saying that only to suggest that what we learn in school/etc. (any educational agency for that matter) often can be outdated and/or not be the best possible answer to the problem at all. It is also possible that you may have more up to date/ more relevant or just different, more common sense knowledge that you can very successfully apply to your practice….without confronting agencies for the things you disagree with.

If nothing else, you will save your energy to do things you have more control of.

This is what I intend on doing anyways and I hope that it works! Having said that, I am not trying at all to tell you what you should do, and I feel your frustration! (smile)


Money Hungry Company

When the company was purchased by ATI (Now Ascend Learning) it took on a corporate culture and no longer cares about the fitness industry only the bottom dollar.

They are still selling the OPT model from 1999. Good foundation, but does not help people become successful trainers.

NASM Overcharges for their certifications and education!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Executive management could careless about the success of the trainer only if they pay for the materials.

In an industry where the trainers make about 40K a year it must be nice for a company that is selling the materials to have their management team make well into the 6 figures.

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