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NPTI - Industry Recognition

by Dana
(Somerville, NJ, USA)

Why is the Industry recognition only Med-High for NPTI? Especially for the time put in, magnitude of the expense, and the hands on training? I'm very interested in getting involved in the nutrition aspect as well and I would think that this would be Highly regarded.

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It's not NPTI it's the Fitness Industry
by: Anonymous

Hi Dana,

NPTI does get amazing industry recognition from fitness professionals who are aware of the value of education. These are the same industry leaders who understand it takes hands on practice and a well structured education to qualify personal trainers. I've been an instructor for NPTI for years and in the metro areas that NPTI has established schools our graduates are well known to be leaders in the industry. Actually, our graduates have a confidence that enables success, they have the knowledge of many Univeristy Exercise Science graduates, and they have program design skills far superior to most self taught personal trainers. However, many gyms are ran by fitness directors, general managers, and owners who have taken the easy self teach certification methods to become trainers. These same individuals don't see the value in education, because they never experienced it. This might be one of the pitfalls of the fitness industry. Its too easy to get into! Their are many horror stories of trainers injuring their clients with sub standard and dangerious training methods.

NPTI is a time and financial investment. If you maximize your efforts, have great attendance, stay eager and enthusiastic to learn, and study, you will far exceed getting your monies worth. You will enter the fitness industry with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that few personal trainers have. Your likely hood to reach success is much greater.

In health,


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