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Online Personal Training Services

by Katie

I believe I read about this on this site, but I am interested in learning more about actually providing online personal training to clients. How does one get started in making themselves known or find clients for this type of service? Thank you, Katie

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Online Training Tools are Coming!
by: Katie - Admin

We are currently in the final stages of rolling out a whole suite of tools that will help you train clients online but also help differentiate you and drive more value to your face to face clients.

I don't want to give away too much yet, but make sure you sign up for our newsletter (from the home page) to get the announcement when we go live.

- Katie

The Complete Training System is now Live!!
by: Katie - Admin

It took about a year longer than I thought, but we are finally live with our Complete Training System.

So what is it?

It's our web based system that automates every facet of personal training and there is nothing else like it.

* It includes client assessment, medical, health and lifestyle screenings and automates the collection and storage of all your critical paperwork while reducing risk for you.

* It automates the process of designing resistance, cardio, and flexibility programs for your clients.

* It allows personal trainers to provide safe and risk-free nutritional guidance, meal planning, and calorie tracking for their clients.

* And it's a personalized web portal for every one of your clients, making it easy for them to track their progress, communicate with you, and book their next training session with you.

The Complete Training System opens up new revenue streams for personal trainers.

You can add high value nutritional services and online training. You can charge your clients a fee for these services or use them to set you apart from your competition. We charge the same low monthly fee whether you train one client or a thousand.

Try it for free. I know you will love it.

- Katie

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Online Nutritionist and Meal Planning

by Pete
(South Carolina)

Has anyone had a good experience with online nutrition and meal plan programs you can use with our personal training clients? If so, who do you recommend? Also, did this training have a significant impact on income?

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New Profit Center
by: Katie - Admin

Online nutrition and meal planning is an easy profit center to add. It adds value to your existing clients but also generates a lot of buzz which helps build referrals.

We have built in meal planning and calorie tracking into our Complete Training System. So now your clients (and you) can track their progress on a real-time Dashboard including calories burned (from the exercises you prescribe) and calories consumed (from the foods your client eats).

If you increase their reps, you can see the effect on their overall Calorie Deficit. If they eat an extra piece of pie, they can see how it affects their weight loss goals.

It really takes the mystery out of weight loss for clients.

To estimate your revenue you need to determine what you would charge for the extra service. We recommend $35-$75 per client per month.

So let's do an example:

You have 10 clients and you charge them $50 per month for the online training, progress tracking, nutrition, meal planning, grocery lists, etc.

10 clients * $50 = $500 per month in extra revenue

The Complete Training System costs $49.95 per month for unlimited clients.

So you would earn an extra $500 - $49.95 = $450 per month. If you have 20 clients you would make an extra $950 per month.. It is a great way to make money from clients that you only see occasionally.

And the best part is the full suite of tools makes it easy to add the extra services while making your life easier by automating mundane tasks like paperwork, package tracking, and appointment scheduling.

You can try it for free.

- Katie

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