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Passed ACSM exam today 4/7/2011 625/800

by shelly
(woodbridge, nj)

First to the guy who posted over 100 things on the test THANK YOU .....I printed them out and wrote answers for each thing. The practice questions on this site are the bomb. In contrast, I purchased the ASCM questions and asked for a refund they did me no good.

OK took it this morning so here is what I remember:
exhale the diaphram what muscle
pregnant women in supine position
Muscles of the spine
running down hill
flexing elbow what is happening
calorie deficit
figure bmi and what stage
ldl, hdl,sugar levels and blood pressure levels know them
lots of risk factor questions know low moderate and high inside out
lots of what muscles did what (lots of leg stuff)
fat and oils what does food pyramid suggest
using 2100 a day but exercise 2600 how many pounds lost in a week
muscles of rotator cuff (know exactly what they do)
man is a mechanic uses over heard motion alot what do you suggest to keep strong
trunk flexion what muscle was used for eccentric
lots of what is eccentric and what is concentric
training in high temps
diabetic what to do in attack after you call 911
when to use aed
two questions on skinfold sites they asked exact location
training children
older folks
asked about which joint does the most

thats about all I can remember. Thanks for all your posts and by the way there were questions that I went HUH???? do your best ... take your time I used all the time alloted. The girl watching me said I looked so nervous and I was it wa hard dont let anyone tell you different.

IM so relieved now.....time to start studying for the inclusive fitness trainer test....

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passed ACSM 5/14/11
by: Anonymous

All of these things were on my test today, I wish I spent more time looking over your comments and the comments of other people on this site. Either way I passed so it doesn't matter. Things to add that I remember.......

Know how Blood Pressure changes with exercise-both systolic and diastolic
Also know how aerobic training affects heart rate, Q(cardiac output), Stroke volume
What skinfold sites do you measure diagonally? 3 of them I think
Risk strat scenario questions- Know difference between someone at a Low Risk Moderate Risk and a High Risk
What exercise isolates the soleus the best? -standing calf raises, seated plantar flexion with knee bent, seated ankle flexion with leg extended?
What muscle abducts the hip?I think its the sartorious
According to ACSM what are the minimum resistance training requirements for strength training? Think volume sets, reps, 1RM etc
Mitral valve is another name for Tricuspid valve found between the Left atria and Left Ventricle

by: Anonymous

***Correction*****Mitral valve is the bicuspid not Triscuspid and its the valve btwn the left atrai and left vent

Just Passed! 1/16/12
by: Amanda

Thank you to all of you who posted before me! It was such a great help and I could not have done it without you!!!

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