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Personal trainer business coach

by Alexander Young
(Clifton Heights, PA. 19018)


Does anyone know a good and trust worthy business coach for personal trainer?

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some ideas
by: Laura

I have not personally worked with a business coach because I'm still learning and starting in this field, but definitely recognize the importance of that. Here's a couple places where you could get some ideas: Lots of helpful interviews there with successful people in the trenches. You can find one who fits your personality and philosophy and see if they offer business coaching (many of them do).

I think the Optimal Performance Institute has some great business resources, like their "Top 3% Program." If you write to John Farley, he will write you back. He takes a personal interest in all of his students and you have access to him and mentoring. Very entrepreneurial, I think his teachings and that school in general are well suited for "outside the box" thinkers.

I've also met some super helpful, very insightful and approachable people over at 48 Days. That is a great place to find a coach.

I think what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everyone... when working with a coach I think it's really important to choose one who fits your personality and philosophy, so I would start by networking and talking to people (just like you did here!).

Good luck! Good luck to me too. :-) I'm still searching myself.... Not sure if this is the kind of answer you were looking for but hopefully it might help or give you some ideas.

Please Be Careful
by: Steve Epperson

There a lot of fitness business gurus out there willing to pounce on you and your wallet. They circle around you like lions waiting till you are at your most vulnerable time; you know, the time when money gets tight and it seems like all your clients have left you.

This is not the time to panic and hire a guru. This is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. You need to look at your business for what it is--a cash flow machine. In the words of the the popular marketing guru Dan Kennedy, "Cash is King." Your main focus always is to bring in more cash. You do this by marketing constantly.

Once your cash flow is stabilized, you can work on making your studio nicer. You may want to add new programs. You can buy new equipment. You can do none of this without money. Cash solves most problems that personal trainers face.

Remember this: You are not in the business of personal training. You are in the business of marketing your personal training services.

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