Personal Trainer Starter Kit
Thanks for your interest in our Free personal trainer starter kit.
I started offering this kit because I remember how frustrating it is to start a personal training business and have to spend so much time on things like designing forms. Our personal trainer starter kit helps you start training clients quicker!
The basic forms offered in the starter kit will get you started.
But if you want to take your business to the next level you will want to check our Complete Training System. I have eliminated paper based forms in my business and replaced them with dynamically generated forms that my clients can access on their own web portal, forms they can fill out online, and a full suite of personal training tools... can try our Complete Training System for Free.
Here is what you will get in our Free personal trainer starter kit:
- Policies Agreement Form
- Waiver of Liability Form
- Medical Questionnaire
- Client Performance Tracking Worksheet
- Activity Log
- Workout History Form
- Personal Trainer Resume Template

- Cash Flow Projections spreadsheet

- ACTION Certification 300+ page CPT Textbook

You can download the personal trainer starter kit by registering for our Free email newsletter.
You can unsubscribe at any time and still keep the personal trainer starter kit. But we think you will find a lot of value in our weekly newsletter.
Topics include:
- Short summaries of hot topics for Personal Trainers
- The Best Tips shared by other personal trainers submitted on our site
- A Quick Summary of new Articles and Videos on our site
- Access to updates to our personal trainer starter kit
- No Advertising or pushy offers
I will NEVER share your email information with anyone. Unsubscribe at any time and keep the personal trainer starter kit as my thanks for trying it. To subscribe to the newsletter and get your personal trainer starter kit, fill in the form to the right.
Next Page: Step 2: Get Certified!
Navigation Guide: Home Page / Personal Trainer Starter Kit
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