Personal Trainer's Transform Clients
by Stephanie
(Anchorage, AK)
I feel the best part about being a personal trainer is having the opportunity to transform not only my client's body, but their mind as well. Being a personal trainer means being there for my client through the good and the bad, answering emails and being on-call if a client has questions from muscle soreness to protein powder.
I have a small training studio where I do one-on-one training and I love it! I make my own hours, I control my income and I get to help people which is the most rewarding of all. My clients are amazing and they inspire me everyday.
When I meet with a client and they tell me they lost another 3 lbs. they are fitting into clothes they haven't worn in years or they are not taking blood pressure medication anymore- it brings tears to my eyes because their transformation happens right in front of me at each session. I see in them what they don't yet see in themselves and I have the opportunity to be a positive influence in their lives.
I love this job and I encourage anyone who is seriously interested and committed to changing lives, to become a personal trainer. It is an honor.