Mature Age Personal Trainers
by Aubrey
I'm in my 60's and during my workouts at my gym, 6-7 days a week, I noticed that , on many occasions, an older person eg. 50+ who was new to the gym, would be seen using the facilities for only a few days . I can't help but think that these individuals were intimidated and felt out of place when looking at all the much younger and pumped up young people.I have maintained a fairly high level of physical fitness over the years and received a black belt in the martial arts at the age of 56, in 2001. Personal Trainer Certification would help me to see that these individuals achieve their goals.
Senior Fitness Certification
I would like to specialize in Senior Fitness. I've just received my PT Cert. from ACSM and would like to get a certification in Senior Fitness. Do you recommend any particular certifying organization?
Best Certification for Training the Elderly?
I want to learn more about personal training and fitness overall. My ultimate goal is to create an e-book and market it on the internet. I want to acquire some sort of certification and the sources here are really narrowing that down for me. I am only 18 but i want a way to support my family as well as myself through university.
I want an online certification but what I'm asking you is which certification do I need if I want to be involved in the elderly niche? I have began to research and create notes for an ebook but I want my customers to see that I'm certified as they will not buy the product otherwise.
providing physical fitness training for baby boomers and seniors
by larry hull
(Oceanside, Calif)
I am 71years old and have consistently practiced weight training and cardiovascular adtivities and LIVE all of the benefits of being in extraordinary shape for my age.
I am seriously considering starting a personal training business for seniors of all ages to convey to them the philosophy and knowledge regarding regular exercise to improve their quality of life.
Finally, my question. What is the market potential for finding these individuals and are they more prone to the gym situation or one on one training? Also what is the value of group training vs one on one?
Any added value of being a senior training seniors?
Thank you for any information you can provide.
Larry Hull