Personal Training Worksheets
The Activity Log
The workout activity log is probably your most used personal training worksheets. The business form records a history of every exercise that you perform with a client. If it is a strength exercise you can record the type of exercise, the weight and number of reps. If it is cardio, you can record the machine, intensity, duration and heart rate (average or target).

Why is this important?
Your personal training worksheets serve not only to track your clients progress, but also to protect you against liability. If you ever get sued by a client you have documented evidence that can prove that the workout program you implemented was reasonable. Without proper personal training worksheets, your client can claim that you had her bench pressing two hundred pounds. Evidence is important, and your insurance company may require it.
How is the Activity Log different from the other personal training worksheets?
The main difference is how often you fill it out. You should be completing an activity log for every training session. The client performance tracking sheet is really designed to measure performance over longer periods of time. You may only make an entry every couple of weeks.
Time Saving Tips
I don't like to lug around a bunch of personal training worksheets while I am working with clients so I access the clients workout plan online with my smartphone (or print it in advance). The benefits:
- I always know what exercise to do next
- I can immediately record the activity is completed (important for calorie and progress tracking). This automatically updates the client progress tracking dashboard.
- I don't have to spend a lot of time writing when I should be giving the client attention
- I can write in the exercise parameters (weight, intensity, duration etc.) in advance based upon what the client has done in past sessions.
This is the most important of all the personal training worksheets for me.
Paper or Electronic?
In this age of technology, you can have your clients entire history accessible and editable immediately. It is so much easier than the old paper based approach. Login from anywhere, access and update the information you need, and make it available for your clients. It not only makes your life easier, but makes the whole client experience more professional.
Where do I get these personal training worksheets?
You can get our FREE personal training starter kit which includes copies of all basic forms by signing up for our newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).
Of course this is all the old school way of doing things.
If you want
- Dynamically generated workout forms that your client can access on their own web portal
- forms they can fill out online
- Dashboard progress reporting
...then check out the Free Trial of our Complete Training System.
Next Page: Should You Date Your Clients?
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