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Case Study: Help Woman Lose weight

design a routine for a forty-year-old woman who wants to lose 20 pounds of fat without getting too big.

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how to get a woman to lose 20 pounds
by: Anonymous

Anyone who loses weight will lose weight, optimally, at a rate of 90% fat and 10% muscle. A woman, on top of that fact, does not have the muscle building power to look like a man, naturally, in the first place.

The whole goal with a client that is trying to lose weight is to maintain muscle mass.

The way make a woman lose 20 pounds of fat with minimal muscle loss is as follows.

1. Calculate out how many calories she is going to lose in order to lose 20 pounds of fat, under perfect conditions.
(20*3500)=70,000 calories*1.11 (to include the 10% of extra muscle mass she could lose)= 77,700 calories.

2. Take her measurements- Chest, Waist, Arm, Legs, Butt in inches

3. Find out what her metabolism is, if possible. Or, do a rough estimation by doing her weight in kg*23+ extra activity included in her daily life.

4. Do basic stress tests on a treadmill or ergometer. Test her flexibility, posture, and other things integral to a good workout.

5. Create an exercise regimen based off of her medical conditions, skeletal condition, ROM limitations (torn rotator cuff? torn ACL?), and overall general health as found through testing in step four.

6. Assuming she is in generally good health, then it have her do ellipticals as her first mode of cardiovascular health and weight loss for as long as she can go without becoming too exhausted. Make sure she switches off increasing her intensity and duration of her exercise until she figures out how many times (frequency) she can do it. Have her do a circut on the nautilus machines to work her upper body.

7. Once she is used to the idea of exercising and maintaining an exercise regimen, begin to cut out unhealthy foods in her diet. i.e. she has 2 150 calorie soft drinks a day. That is equal to 3/5 of a pound of fat that could be lost each week with that one modification.

8. Modify the new diet so she loses 500 calories a day between diet and exercise (minimally)- while at the same preserving muscle mass by incorporating lean meats like fat free turkey and talapia for high protein low calorie sources of food. This will allow her to reach the 1.3-1.5 grams of protein for each kg of body mass.

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Exam Case Studies

I am about to get hired at a gym where they will pay for my cert(NASM) The problem is I have to do two case studies and I NEED HELP.
1. Miss Jones is 36 yrs 20# overweight and 27% body fat. She is a secretary wears high heels and sits all day. Last visit to the gym was 5yrs ago She will do 3 1 hour sessions a week Goals are to tone look strong ans increase flexibility.

2. Fred is 41 200# with 20% bodyfat inactive for the last 4 yrs and wants to return to playing basketball. 2yrs ago tore ACL and 3 months ago had orthopedic surgery on knee cosmetic goal is to reduce fat to 16%

Please help I NEED this job

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by: Anonymous

do your own work-you learn better that way

by: Anonymous

What an ass.

by: Anonymous

It is real easy.....calculate the 60-80% training target heart rate for each clinet........make a diet for each with suppliments fitted to their needs........and a training schedule that fits their strenghth limits now.......set goals over a 12 week period.......increasing reps and sets and aroebic exercise to meet individual close attention to the areas that the one client has problems with

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Test question I Can't find an answer for

by Tami Kennedy

A 46 year old male client weighs 220 pounds (100 kg) and exercises 7 days a week. His approximate basal metabolic rate is 2200 calories per day and he expends an estimated 500 calories during each workout. After changing his diet a few days ago, an accurate food record revealed the following information:

Average daily protein intake = 100 grams

Average daily carbohydrate intake = 400 grams

Average daily fat intake = 40 grams

1). Which of the following describes the client's current caloric intake and the effect of his caloric intake and exercise intensity on his bodyweight?

A). 5310 Weight gain (fat)

B). 4180 Weight gain (muscle)

C). 2700 Weight maintenance

D). 2560 Weight loss

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by: Will

Hello there. I think the answer should be C 2700 calorie maintenance:

Law of thermodynamics: Calories in, calories out.


Basal Metabolic Rate 2200 cal + 500 cal expended at every workout at 500= 2700 total per day


Protein at 100 grams at 4 cal: 400 PLUS
Carbs at 400 grams at 4 cal: 1600 PLUS
Fat at 40 grams at 9 cal: 360 PLUS
TOTAL: 2360

by: Anonymous

I agree, that C is the right answer, however, when using basal metabolic rate, you have to consider the number of calories that are being burned in exercise is NOT just added to BMR.

That is to say, my BMR is 2400/day without exercise, and I add in an hour of exercise were I burn 500 calories, you have to consider that hour where you are now buring 500 instead of 100. Thus, total calories burned would be 2800, not simiply 2900.

Answer is "D"
by: Tony

The question asked, "1). Which of the following describes the client's current caloric intake and the effect of his caloric intake and exercise intensity on his bodyweight?"

1. current caloric intake?
answer: 2,360 based on protein 100gr X 4 kcal = 400, carbs 400gr X 4 kcal = 1,600, and fat 40gr X 9 kcal = 360.

2. effect of his caloric intake (2,360) and exercise intensity (500) on his bodyweight (2,200)?

The most correct answer would be D) 2,360 Weight loss. I think the author of this question typed 2,560 by mistake. Even so, at 2,560 there would be a slight weight loss over time.

by: Anonymous

Yes the answer is D
It is a matter of mathematics and the author of the question or the article typed wrong.

The Answer is "D"
by: Anonymous

You obviously lose weight if you expend 2700/day and only consume 2360/day. you would lose 1 pound in a matter of 10 days.

by: Anonymous

It would be 2380 kcal weight loss in a week not 2360kcal (this is the daily caloric intake). 2380kcal you get when u subtract 2360 - 2700 = for a daily loss of 340 kcal/day then multiple by 7day/wk. Therefore the most correct answer would be 2700 maintenance (C).

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