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question about free plan

by fitnesslover

Hi all,

Just wondering how prepared you think I would be if I only read the whole textbook and answer the review questions.

I have had no background in the fitness industry but do have a background in biology and have been exercising with DVDs for years, read a lot about fitness through magazines, etc.

I am doing this for my personal enrichment and am only doing the free plan but don't want to fail an exam!

Please tell me how prepared you think I would be if only using the free plan and reading the textbook.

Thanks in advance!

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May Need to Upgrade
by: Wooley

I am currently doing the ProPlan and am very close to taking the exam. I would recommend that you upgrade based on my experience. I had no previous experience other than a fitness instructor for a mother and years of working out. The textbook can be quite difficult in some areas. You may be like, "Woah, what do they mean by that?" and then not really grasp the material.The discussion forums are great if you have questions. Also, being able to e-mail the instructors with questions is great too. The practice tests are very helpful as well. To me, I feel better knowing that if I'm confused about something, there's plenty of people willing to help clarify. Hope that helped.

by: Anonymous

Thanks for your reply-I appreciate it! I actually did end up taking the test by only reading the text and taking notes and passed so I was pretty excited!

I think it really helped that I have studied Bio and focused on all the tips the trainers in the videos I work out to provided. At least most of the terms were familiar to me.

Thanks and good luck to you!

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