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Questions About the Field

by Kayla
(WI )

Hi, I'm only 19 years old, but have a passion for fitness. I have tried the ACE PT exam and failed the first time. I am re-taking it in November. I am currently going to a technical college. After reading all of this, it sounds like maybe a 4 year degree is better in the long run. I just want to know how you guys have started out. Since I'm so young, I don't know if I should continue on to more school and get that 4 year degree or just see how it goes after I'm finished at this tech school. I've interviewed plenty of personal trainers, and it seems like they all say that "EXPERIENCE" is huge in the fitness world. If you guys could recommend some ideas for me that would be great!

Thanks, Kayla

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19 and starting out as well
by: Jenn

Hey Kayla, I know exactly how you feel i'm 19 years old and just starting out in the PT field too.
Honestly I have spent many hours researching what credentials are best for CPT ( Certified Personal Trainer) and it seems everyone has their own idea about it. I've called many local health clubs and inquired about what they require to be employed as a PT. Although certification is important,since it shows dedication to learning about fitness and qualifies you for your profession. Everyone agrees it's the practical aspect that is most valued ( hands on training) I'm actually going through this school/program soon NPTI (National Personal Training Institute) at the end I will be a CPT. With my diploma I will have completed 500 hours ( 300 classroom, 200 practical) So I will not only have the knowledge but also the know how from hands on training. After I graduate this program in 6 months I will also be looking into a separate certification. Since NPTI is not NCCA accredited and the diploma may not be recognized in all health clubs. Which is why I also want to get a certification that is NCCA accredited that way I have my NPTI diploma ( better than a certification) and a certification that is NCCA accredited. This way I will have a better chance at landing myself a PT job with great opportunities.
Anyways I hope this somewhat helps, good luck with everything!
Although it may be tough at times just remember why you're doing it, to help others, stay in shape and be educated.

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